Wednesday, September 15, 2004


back to the regular tuesday schedule today. hunter cracked a joke, which is extremely rare. in regards to the FRCP, she noted, "whoever wrote some of these rules, frankly, should just be shot." it got a modest chuckle from the class.

hunter really is a good teacher. she takes plenty of time to answer everyone's questions; what's more,she conducts class in a manner so that she'll have time for our questions. think about it, how many of our profs finish everything on the syllabus every week? hunter finishes everything, 100%, every single class. i respect that.

has anyone else noticed that weird window in our civ pro classroom? what goes on back there? i can't figure out what's on the other side of that wall. it's got these weird black blinds which are always drawn shut. the only other place i've seen a weird indoor window like that was at a sex show in amsterdam... that's why i kind of half-expect for the blinds to be lifted, and for there to be some strung-out couple boning back there. that actually would be a great diversion during class.

anyhow, today we had hellerstein for just the third time. i have to admit that i really like the guy. he was busting all sorts of jokes, calling McCardle a "damned cracker" and so on.

i've noticed that the dude loves to drop all sorts of names. he's always mentioning the famous judges before whom he's argued, the other scholars he's worked with, and so on. today he casually tossed off a story about representing a couple of black panthers ("two bro's" as he called them), and how he was cold-chillin' with the bro's at leonard bernstein's apartment, perusing bernstein's collection of mozart's original manuscripts, smokin' blunts, and whatnot. i might have made up that last part, but it was still an interesting digression in con law.

by far the best comment he made in class was about how he had nine penis enlargement messages in his inbox. that was easily his funniest comment of the semester, since the first day of class when he referred to the microphones hanging from the ceiling as "dingle-dangles."


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