i am sparticus
we've got some funny motherfuckers reading this stuff... thanks for the laughs to all those who contributed to the "survivor" hypo from the last post. i'd also like to give props to "I_aint_no_Theobald" and "Hunter-v-Hunted." thanks for logging in, and make yourselves at home.
i promised in a previous entry to share my thoughts on what someone described as the "constant debates about my identity," so here you go...
i'm flattered that people even care. i'm shocked that you're wasting your study time thinking about it. if formulating theories with your friends makes the shitty 1L days more tolerable, then i'm glad to be of service. i'm terrified by the idea of being outed. i do not wish to be discovered. i'm not in this for the glory. i ain't going out like Hard Harry (http://imdb.com/title/tt0100436/).
i have taken several steps to keep menlovian anonymous. it's possible that i do plant false leads. it's possible that i have allies who allow me to post on classes that i miss, and perhaps even to post on sections i'm not in. it's possible that i am part of the hushed discussions concerning my identity, or that i have accused YOU of being menlove. it's possible that i would have the audacity to name myself as one of the "six most wonderful people in our section" (coming soon!). it's even possible that i actually detest the cosby show.
no, that's not possible. i fucking love the huxtables.
anyway, you'll all know who i am come 2005... i'll be the person who used to occupy the seat next to you in class. until then, i hope you keep reading and keep studying hard... good luck on your memos!
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