Thursday, October 21, 2004

the tribe has spoken

nearly six hours of class today...

civ pro sort of had that influenza ward vibe going on. it was an ongoing cacaphony of coughs, sneezes, snorts and wheezes. even professor hunter got in on the fun. she used this really nice quiet sort of bedroom voice all morning, and was even without her trusty glass of icewater with lemon. it was a nice change of pace.

schneider had some sort of formal observation in class today by another member of the faculty. though she was a little on edge, it basically was a really helpful class. all things considered, she's definitely improved a ton since week one. think about it... no other professor has to answer as many idiotic questions as she does, and she handles it all with aplomb. robyn even made a funny today (after her observer had departed) when she told us that we don't have to cite the other supreme court cases that are mentioned, that we could simply find the language we need elsewhere in the opinion... "unless we want to be sexy and impress me with your string citations."

it's good to know that a complex series of string citations is one of our professor's "turn-ons."

big tony put on another fine performance today in torts. the dude gives me like five or six shout-outs per class. (shout-outs? or would the plural form be shouts-out? i digress...) he's crazy about menlove. he rattled off a few good one-liners about the public interest club's talent show, calling the "social event of the season," and going on to deliberately misconstrue the grand prize (a really huge barbri scholarship) as "really huge barbie dolls," and went on to note that he "had enough of those already."

it's interesting to hear how he pronounces the names of some of these cases. just today, he said "monk" as if it rhymed with "wonk." i invariably like his pronunciation more, but that's just me. has anyone else noticed how he pronounces "gasoline"? it's friggin' great.

anyway, the real point of this little entry is to talk about the wonderful things that have been going on lately in my study group.

my study group is the shit. technically, we're not even a group. it's really just five of us who sometimes meet up in one of the study rooms. sometimes there are six, and sometimes there are just three. there's always someone who has severe gas. but not just your standard gas; it's more like that just-ate-a-cafeteria-panini kind of gas. as long as we're being technical, not only are we not truly a group, but we don't really even study. so i guess we're not really a study group at all. it's more like a bullshit collective.

so i was sitting with four other members of my bullshit collective earlier this week, ostensibly to get a head start on the 80 pages of torts reading that 'bok choi assigned for today's and tomorrow's classes. our meeting lasted for approximately ninety minutes, starting at 4:00. here's a quick rundown of what we managed to accomplish:
  • 4:00-4:10... setting up computers and taking out books and pens.
  • 4:10-4:15... one group member farts loudly. a round of depositions are held to discover the culprit. someone then hypothesizes that the gaseous expulsion could easily have been heard through the air vents by those who are studying out in the main reading area. said hypothesis is debated, then tested. one person is sent outside to listen, and someone inside created a fart noise that was similar in volume, pitch, and duration to the one which had sparked the debate. result: clearly audible.
  • 4:15-4:30... an in-depth jurisprudential examination of the ALCS, replete with explications of the constitutional ramifications of johnny damon's australopithecus-like mandible.
  • 4:30-5:00... everyone speaks at length about the prospects of having sexual intercourse with specific members of our crim law class. one group member (who seemed to have prepared extensively for this aspect of our meeting) speaks quite eloquently about who he'd like to bang, how and in what positions he would bang, the duration of said banging, and the pleasure his prospective partner would derive should this banging ever actually occur. the other members of the group then raised numerous and serious doubts as to the veracity and probability of these assertions.
  • 5:00-5:20... the group decides to explore a rather interesting tangent of admiralty law by proposing the following hypo: suppose that professors schneider, sebok, hunter, hellerstein and pitler were on a sinking ship, and managed to escape to a deserted island. what roles would each of them take on the island (i.e., who would do the hunting, the cooking... who would be the alpha, who would be the lazy one who cried all night...)? what would the sleeping arrangements be, and would any romantic liaisons ensue? and finally, which one of them would manage to be the ultimate survivor? (the intricacies of this discussion are too extensive and offensive to recount here, but by all means, feel free to post your thoughts on this topic on the menlovian message board...)
  • 5:20-5:25... setting goals for our next group meeting, determining a meeting time, and congratulating one another on a job well done.

should any of you be interested in sitting in with the bullshit collective, you're certainly welcome to join us. just listen closely to the gutteral rumblings emanating from the air vents, and you'll have found us in no time.


return to menlove's greatest hits


At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're fantastic :-) i was laughing all thru evidence thinking about your latest blog...

speaking of talent shows, last year a group of boys from our section performed as "The Menloves" in honor of our esteemed king of torts...quite funny!

At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

love the survivor thing... here's how i see it playing out...

hellerstein and pitler would definitely form an alliance. they've got that old school brooklyn courthouse friendship going on.

sebok would have mind control over schneider in about twelve seconds. they'd be the other alliance.

it would all come down to nan. what i can't figure out is which way she would vote.

thanks for giving me something to think about during class tomorrow!!

At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for the island
Nan hunts and plans. She defiantly has the ability to survive in any environment where procedure counts; nature is one of those environments.

Hellerstein pulls a Capt. Kurtz (heart of darkness/Apocalypse now) and rants incoherently on black panthers waltzing to Strauss while he seduces the teenage daughter of a chicken man.

Sebok runs on a treadmill made of thatch to generate electricity. (duh)

Pitler (after talking to Hella) tries to entice dead poultry into romantic liaisons; trying at the same time to not to let their forked tounges beguile him.

Schneider likely spends a lot of time trying to build a rescue fire.

At 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can totally see Nan "the Hunter" Hunter hunting for wild game, perhaps submerging herself in the mud and muck (a la John J. Rambo in First Blood) while she waits for her prey, then springing out like a flash to bring down a wild boar, delivering punishing blows with her twin fists of fury while severing the beast's spinal column with a single vice-like bite.

Professor Hunter is the greatest. I'd take her over 'bok choi any day (though Tony's no slouch himself).

At 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent analysis so far. How about this:

Schneider, trying to ingratiate her self upon her island mates blurts out, “If I die first, you may eat me.” Tony, interpreting this as consent to an intentional tort, lands a high kick to the chin, instantly ending Schneider’s legal career. Alpha male Pitler cooks the meal, claiming the first portion. Tony, a legman, also consumes. Hella considers, but eventually refrains, citing, not moral concerns, but a lack of genuine butter with which to flavor his meal. Hunter, a strict rules follower, bows out and plots her next procedural move. Perhaps a Rule 11 motion.

At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Head's up to peeps in Cheng's Torts class that Tuesday's reading takes forevvvvver. 30 pages of boats catching fire, people falling off trains, people getting crushed by scales on train platforms, and courts having a LOT of trouble coming up with a coherent theory to explain causation.

To those not in Cheng's Torts class, all I can say is BPL. And good luck to all on their legal writing memos.


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