Monday, October 25, 2004

my wonderful classmates! (part 2)

here we are, knee-deep in the muck and mire of yet another week of law school. (they don't seem to end, do they?) fortunately, the infinite joy of memo-writing is, for now at least, behind us, and we can get back to the usual business of not making course outlines.

since you're here, i'd like to introduce you all to three great people who have decided to become a part of our dysfunctional little menlovian confederacy. much love goes out to "Dr. Klaf", "reasonable person", and "Thing of Danger"; thanks for signing in, and keep posting.

that being said, it's time to get down to business. yesterday it was the guys; today it's the ladies' turn. i've realized what a difficult spot i've put myself in by limiting this list to just six wonderful people, but that's the way it goes.

once again, it is with great pride that i present to you, in no particular order... TWO MORE OF THE SIX MOST WONDERFUL PEOPLE IN OUR SECTION!

wonderful person #3 : Preethi Bhashyam


preethi is wonderful, and is quite possibly the nicest person to walk the halls of 250 joralemon. being in the company of someone as wonderfully kind as preethi helps you to forget just how crappy a hand we've all been dealt as 1L's.

her gentle yet radiant personality brings much-needed warmth to even the bleakest morning classes. if you're ever feeling down at 9:20 on a monday morning, talk to preethi for a few minutes, and you'll be smiling all through crim!

what else makes preethi wonderful? like everyone else on the list so far, preethi has got a wonderful name, and like her name, she's truly one-of-a-kind. what's more, she is exceptionally bright, seemingly able to navigate the most complex first-year legal issues with poise and confidence. in sum, she's a thoroughly impessive and all-around lovely person.

so here's to you, preethi. you're wonderful!

wonderful person #4 : Aimee Schultz


aimee (pronounced AY-MAY, for those of you who still have not met her) is simply wonderful. aimee is what i like to call a claire huxtable; in other words, she's got it all: wit, wisdom, moxie, mettle, style, charm and grace. and also like claire, she's going to be a lawyer!

what else makes her so wonderful, you may ask? she's got these terrific glasses (sadly absent from the school photo).

finally, aimee contributes so much to our class conversations. her inquiries and insights have quickly become an integral part of the fabric of our classroom discourse. plus, she let me copy her notes once when i was absent.

so here's to aimee, an authentically wonderful person!