Tuesday, October 26, 2004

my wonderful classmates! (part 3)

hello, and welcome back to the exciting conclusion of "my wonderful classmates." it's really been a lot of fun for me to do this these last few days, especially seeing the reactions of people after they find out that they are officially wonderful. it feels good to make people feel good. perhaps if i avoid flunking out of school, i'll someday have a chance to post nice things about everyone in our entire crim law class. we'll see how that one goes...

on the topic of my prospects of staying in school, i did not fail my blue book quiz! i ended up with a 74. in my book, a 74 is a "C", and a "C" falls squarely in the fat part of the bell curve! not bad for a menlove who's used to dwelling in that narrow nook on the far, far left end of the curve. how did you all do?

on an entirely different note...

regarding the comments made on yesterday's posting, i'd like to begin by commending "atticus finch's scrotum," "i aint no theobald," and "overborn will" for their wise words and attempts towards a reasonable sort of self-regulation. i am loath to start editing my classmates' contributions to menlovian, but as i have stated in the past, my goal is to create a kinder, gentler hayrick. unfortunately, i am unable to delete a person's name; i can only delete their posting, so i hope that the person in question goes ahead and changes their name. i've gone ahead and come up with a few suggestions (pretty good ones, i'd say) for new names. feel free to use one of mine if any of them appeal to you:

"randy westlaw"
"learned foot"
"judge dread"

the one thing i can do is delete ALL of the comments for that day, which would suck, but i will if the name isn't changed in the next day or so.

anyhow, now that the unpleasantness is out of the way, it's time for bigger and better things. con law was pretty straightforward today. there weren't too many crazy stories, but hella-donkulous did manage to fit in his requisite daily name-drop. today, he spoke of one karl menninger, psychologist and author of the crime of punishment.

i did a quick bit of research and came across an excerpt from this semi-seminal text: http://www.nospank.net/mngr.htm

it's actually really interesting stuff, though you have to wonder what pitler would think of this menninger character's theories.

thanks also to "Thing of Danger" for the astute commentary on hella-donk's blackboard mismanagement. your description had me cracking up.

i'd be remiss if i proceeded any further without welcoming our new friend "overborn will" to the menlovian fold. thanks for signing in dude!

alright, now that all of that business is taken care of, it's time to get to the point. so without further ado, here they are... the final two of the six most wonderful people in our section!

wonderful person #5 : Scott Chait


scott is a really wonderful person. he's not a suck-up or a square; rather, he's got this "everyman" quality about him that paradoxically sets him apart from the herd.

though he's always great, scott his at his best whenever our writing classes are combined into one giant section, where he pretty much busts schneider's balls for two straight hours, but in the most good-natured way imaginable, each comment sparkling with wit.

scott is also the type of guy who will have about twelve windows open on his laptop at once, yet will still be able to follow what's going on in class. he'll seemingly simultaneously be typing an email, reading a news site, changing his screen saver, reading menlove, bidding on ebay, taking notes, and still be able to raise his hand to ask a really insightful question at a moment's notice. all in all, he's a wonderfully funny, friendly and impressive individual.

so congratulations to scott, a truly wonderful person!

wonderful person #6 : Brina Dinerman


brina is wonderfully wonderful. she's got the steak AND the sizzle. i know i said that these six wonderful people were in no particular order, but like vanessa williams, i went and saved the best for last.

though it's already all been said on the discussion boards, it's worth repeating. brina is a truly one-of-a-kind and lovely person. she prefaces her questions in class with, "this might sound stupid, but...", then she ends up saying something startlingly intelligent. in other words, when you hear that wonderful new york accent saying, "i don't want to sound stupid, but...", that's your cue to start taking notes.

brina also has a wonderful sense of humor. i've truly enjoyed the few conversations we've shared, and i have no doubt that she will someday be one of the toughest and smartest lawyers in town. in fact, when i think back to my days as a 1L, i may not remember much, but i'll always remember brina dinerman.

and brina, if the news on the message board is true, then i feel that i speak on behalf of our class when i say that we're sorry about your grandfather, and we hope that your dog is ok.

so here's to brina... a simply wonderful person!


At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree, excellent work menlove. brina's spot-on top-notch, the bees knees!

also, props to shammy for being the only one listed who's not in section 9 (or at least, i think he's the only one.)

At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

learned foot...

randy westlaw... (i hope not too many people know that reference!)

friggin' hilarious!

At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that Brina is #1. We should all chip in and pay for her legal education. And by the way, to the A-HOLE who suggested that she posts comments about herself even after a fellow classmate gave her a shout out for enduring a cruel week filled with shiva sitting, pitbull uterine cancer, and a sticky sty in the eye,SAY IT TO MY FACE PUNK!
foshizzle I am much flattered (except for the fact that my head looks GIANT (aka IS GIANT) in that picture (aka MY LIFE)


At 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha Scott, your out-ted! It looks like Wonderful Person #5 is quite the stud. I was showing the Menlove blog to an old friend who works in film production. She recognized his pic- he dated Natalie Portman a few years back! Damn dogg, you da man!

At 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just forwarded the original emails back to the BLS1L yahoo account. Civ Pro, Torts, and Crim outlines are now available to download again.

If they get deleted again, let me know and I'll re-forward them.

And to everyone who is taking it, good luck on Hunter's mid-term.


At 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just forwarded the original emails with the attached outlines back to the BLS1L yahoo account. So you can now download Civ Pro, Crim, and Torts outlines.

If they get deleted again, let me know and I'll forward them again.

To everyone who has Hunter's mid-term comming up, Good Luck!



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