Sunday, April 10, 2005

boo-boo, dockers & tulip

hi all, sorry it's been awhile since i've been able to post anything for you guys. i spent a good hour on friday night writing my little "mootsturbation" story for you guys, but when i tried to save it as a draft, blogger gave me a nice little surprise by deleting it instead, and then would not allow me to log back in for nearly 24 hours. needless to say, i was pretty pissed off, but whatever. maybe the story isn't meant to be... perhaps anything else written about masturbation on menlovian would only contribute to the "frat club" tone that someone brought up on the message board.

speaking of the shades of frattyness, to the person who posted the link to the topless woman by the jetski: great picture, but you've got to put a warning next to a link like that. just as a matter of civility toward your fellow readers, keep in mind that some people may not necessarily be in the mood to gaze upon those glorious twin mounds of silicone without a requisite "heads up." so from now on, anyone who wants to link to a picture of topless chicks, or three old men blowing each other (yes, this picture has actually been making the rounds around sections 8 & 9), just give a little warning first. thanks.

so i'm feeling way behind on all the stuff i've been meaning to talk about, such as the story i mentioned before, my moot court tryout experience, poser's attempts to incorporate powerpoint slides into his lectures, and so on, but as i look at the calendar, i see that there are literally just a few weeks until we have to run the gauntlet once again.

seeing as how i typically post four or five times per week, plus once after each exam, i'm realizing that i'll only be writing about 15-20 more menlovian entries before i sign off for good.

i guess what i'm saying is that i'll try to use this space wisely in the weeks to come.

anyhow, i very much enjoyed the debate and trash talk that was raging on the last entry's message board. congrats to "anonymous" at 8:40 who went directly under his classmates' skin by mentioning his rich daddy and his desire to be "tappin' away in South Beach" for the rest of his life. it was all quite entertaining.

(my personal favorite part, as a bit of a logophile, was his use of the word cock-a-mania in place of the more pedestrian cockamamie. i looked up cock-a-mania on the internet, but was unable to find any decent definitions; instead, i ended up looking at some pretty unkosher websites. although i'd imagine that if i had to come up with a definition for cock-a-mania, i'd guess that it's a highly contagious affliction that typically breaks out in the women's locker room in the hours before final exams.)

the point is, nice job, 8:40, although your whole shtick reeks of fiction to me. not that i know anything about writing from a fictitious first-person perspective.

also on the message board were some words of wisdom from a BLS 2L. i'd like to thank this person for his or her brutally honest yet somehow encouraging words. thanks also for your compliments on menlovian.

before i return to con law, i'd just like to mention that there has not been a donation to Africare in nearly 10 days, and it's starting to look like i won't have to reveal my identity after all. still, those of you who have seen BLSforGood may have noticed that my name is listed among the potential donors.

the point is that i plan on making this contribution whether we reach $1,500 or not. hopefully others of you will do the same as well. i'd hate to see all of our pledges vanish simply because we "only" raised 600 dollars. it's just too important an issue to ignore.

so as i sign off tonight, i find myself thinking about how i should utilize these final 15-20 entries. should i continue with the daily updates of what strikes me funny in class? pay tribute to the greatest people, professors, and cafeteria workers of the year? shift toward posting more ridiculous short stories as i have done from time to time? turn this thing into a pbs-esque fundraising campaign? (i think i do enough of that already) just shut up already, sign off for the year, and get serious about outlining?

i've always felt that menlovian was something that belonged to all of us, so i'm interested in what you guys would like to see in these final weeks of the school year. if you've got any topics you'd like to see addressed in the weeks ahead, let me know with a post on the board, or via an email to i'll do my best to oblige.

have a good week, everyone. especially robert kim, swati bose, joseph nivin, and brittany hagans: i hope you guys have the time of your life this week.



At 1:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone in any way understand the title of this entry?

At 1:17 AM, Blogger menlove said...

sorry, to confuse you. the title refers to the names of the 3 cats in question from the Nahrstedt case.

by the way, did anyone else find the dissent in Nahrstedt to be surprisingly eloquent?

"[T]he majority's . . . view, shorn of grace and guiding philosophy, is devoid of the humanity that must temper the interpretation and application of all laws, for in a civilized society that is the source of their authority. As judicial architects of the rules of life, we better serve when we construct halls of harmony rather than walls of wrath."

At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


my suggestion for at least one of your final entries would be to post the syllabus for all your classes. that way, when i go to menlove and see a whole slew of new comments and i get really excited, i don't have to scroll down only to see "what is the property assignment?" "642-673" "thanks"

i'm sure this comment will piss someone off, but i thought fit will with the fratmosphere that is menlove.

At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you get really excited by what you thought was a slew of new Menlove comments you sound just right for the job of being the person to post all of our homework every night...

At 5:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah i agree... 1:10 pm's comment was pretty lame. if one comment out of ten or whatever is about an assignment, you shouldn't let that ruin your day. plus, we all have the syllabus, but unfortunately our professors don't always stick to it.

and while your use of the word "fratmosphere" is cute, i don't see what people asking about homework has to do with something being fratty.

i think menlove actually does a decent job of keeping the fratty elements to a minimum. if the occassional joke or story about sex or bodily functions bothers you, perhaps you should stick with the website.

At 8:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:39, just because someone has an issue with people talking about who they want to 'cream on' or someone who gets a little nauseous reading the fecalogue does not mean that they are some sort of neocon supercensor.

Every person who posts on this site is in graduate school. A professional graduate school at that. For those of us who have worked in the real world, some of the chatter that goes on here is juvenile, and some of the sexual commentary is objectifying and downright offensive... and not just those posts that offended even menlove's sensibilities.

It's been pretty endemic here from the get go, and is a large part of the reason why I didn't read this site for a very long time, but comments about some of our professors and some of our classmates really crossed the line. That kind of stuff just doesn't fly in the real world.

If you send an email to your coworker talking about another coworker you want to 'cream on', that email is the property of the company, and can come back to end your career.

Just a thought.

At 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since when is the Menlovian blog ("
incoherent and idiotic inanity from the dumbest 1L at brooklyn law school") in any way related to the real world? People come here to get away from the real world. While I agree that talking badly about fellow classmates crosses the line, there's nothing wrong with being what you call juvenile once in a while. We are not coworkers; we're friends. So if you want a place to have appropriate intra-office banter that would fly in the real world...well, from what I've seen you've found the wrong place.

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is there a reason why we are wishing those people a good week?

At 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 8:26...Good points, but (and I'd have to check with Menlove on this) I believe that the 'fecalogue' came with a warning label, so there's no reason anyone should have been offended there.

I agree with you about the 'creaming on' comments as well as some of the mean items about professors, but I believe that Menlove dealt swiftly with those issues as well, and that he generally has been able to meet his goal of keeping things kind and gentle.

But still the bottom line is that these are not inter-office memos, and we are not yet partners in a firm. I read a lot of blogs, and the best ones are snarky and intelligent, sarcastic and insightful, and occassionally dirty, just like Menlovian is.

At 9:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

840 = right, 826 = dork (how's that for fratty) Comparing stuff on menlove to intra-office email is an excerise in dorkdum. Saying stupid shit on an anonymous blog has nothing to do with what you would do or say in a professional office setting. (this reminds me of the bullshit- "coming in late to class is unprofessional because if your were late to a job...blah blah blah") One really has nothing to do with the other, but thanks for advcice I'll make sure i make a note of it. Oh yeah, and if you get nauseous from silly poop jokes and the term "cream" you might just be a neocon sensor (or a person over 80 years old)- Menlove is extremely mild, chill out dork

At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i only used the term "fratmosphere" because i figured that my comment would generate some silly bickering amongst menlove's readers. looks like i was correct in that assumption...

for whatever it's worth, i enjoy about 99% of menlove. i just don't enjoy the questions about assignments since they offer no value to any readers other than the person who posted it. but it's really not a big deal. it was a tongue-in-cheek comment...

At 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Furthermore, I think 8:26 is only half-right about the real world. Yes, there are places where email use is highly regulated. But there are other companies (like the 250-person comapany I worked for) where you can send out company-wide emails when you're looking for a date for sat. night.

While identifying individuals you'd like to cream on is certainly bad form, I'd much rather stay away from censorship ...and on the side of pro-cremation.
heh heh heh

At 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Church lady voice - "ssinners"

At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Menlove... These next few weeks please just keep giving voice to our fears, anxieties, frustrations, and minor joys. And make us laugh. God knows we'll need it.

At 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares?! maybe they are unrecognized cool dudes who deserve a shout out. i know bose always makes my day better.


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