Monday, April 04, 2005

black angus in a pensive mood

so i've been befuddled by technical difficulties lately, and have had trouble getting a post online. i spent a little bit of time this weekend writing up a poll about everyone's favorite topic, masturbation, but i had a bit of trouble getting it up for you guys.

(hee hee... i said i had trouble getting it up.)

anyway, the old site i used to use to make polls isn't working right anymore, so i guess we won't be voting for it. though i'd imagine that if it came down to a vote, masturbation would win in a landslide.

well, at least i'd vote for it. i'm definitely pro-masturbation. i try not to be too overtly political on this blog, but this is one issue i actually feel very strongly about.

though i don't make a daily habit of stroking it in school or anything like that, i actually did whip it out at BLS one time for a bit of self-flagellation (although not in the library), but that's a long story, and perhaps one that might push the limits of good taste and decorum, even for my randy and rowdy readership. it's probably best that i don't tell you all about it, lest i alienate or frighten off the five readers i have left.

(you know i'm fucking with you. since you guys brought it up, i'll totally be telling you my mootsturbation story in the next few days... just don't say i didn't warn you.)

thanks to the person who posted that fun link on the message board. here's another one that's pretty fun as well.

before i sign off, i have to note that today i rode in the elevator twice with a woman from section 8 to whom i was definitely introduced in the first couple weeks of school. we sat in the same row during a class last semester, and have since spent hundreds of hours in each other's presence throughout the course of the year, as well as countless hours in the library. though we've never been friends or even been chummy, i'm 100% positive that she recognizes my face, and probably also knows my name.

anyway, the point is that both times in the elevator, even though we were the only two people in it, she acted like she didn't know me or didn't even see me at all. the first time i saw her i said hello, and the second ride in the elevator, i just sort of made eye contact, but both times, i got abosolutely no response.

what's up with that? i have to wonder if this is a case of rudeness or shyness or just plain obliviousness to one's surroundings. has anyone else had this issue? i figure that at this point, i'll say hi to everyone in section 8 and section 9, even the people who annoy me or whose names i don't really know.

i mean, are people really that shy that they can't even say hello? or are people that conceited that they can't even say hi to someone they've basically worked with all year, even when he's totally a menlovian loser like me?

anyway, that's all the venting i need to do on that. it's not a big deal, but i just thought it was weird.

maybe we should try a little experiment:

i don't care where, when, or to whom you do this, but at some point this week, let's all smile and say hello to someone who we usually ignore. it could be the guy you always sit near in the cafeteria, or the girl who always walks in late and sits in front of you in civ pro. it might even be me, and believe me, you'd be making my day if you did.


At 12:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find that the elevator in school is probably the most socially awkward place I've ever been in. It's always a tough call whether to say hi to an acquaintance and then take the ride in silence because neither of you can think of anything to say or to just pretend you didn't see them rather than endure the awkward silence. And if that isn't bad enough, it's always ten times worse if the other person is a professor of ours.

At 12:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gentle Em, let me be the first to go on record to say that I would VERY MUCH like to hear your masturbation story.

At 11:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear M, I'm neither shy nor conceited, but I often completely ignore my woderful classmates. The reason? I am usually walking/crawling around in a half-asleep state of mind-fuckedness.

Or, because of my complete lack of short term memory coupled wih my insanely over-active imagination, I usually can't tell if I've actually met someone before or just had an imaginary romp with them in the Moot Court Room.

At 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

People, I'm going to flip if this year ends without finding out Menlove's identity. I already gave all I could afford to give. Someone help!!!

At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I was laughing on the outside

At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you weren't the only one. especially after he started braging about his 100-mile-bulge again.

At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone know what property reading is for tomorrow?

At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

property homework, i think:
893-905, 910-24

At 11:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Menlove on this one. I would say that a nod or smile at the least is minimal

At 12:55 AM, Blogger Saucy Intruder said...

I always say hi. I also try to say: "Nobody puts baby in the corner" as often as possible while in the awkwardivator.

Re: JMG - that was beyond the pale today. "E-rection company". I'm not the only one who guffawed. I have officially determined that his sexual innuendo/off-color comments are decidedly intentional! "Nuts to you!" "Let's all clap for the pope and frank purdue" "Can we fit this inside the 100 mile bulge?"

I'm not going to stifle my laughter anymore. The next time he says "bollixed" or "nuts", I'm going to laugh out loud!

and Lady Duff! good to see you've ventured forth to the land of M-love

At 1:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One time, I was ignored in the elevator by a girl. I was sad. Then, I saw that she had an amazing ass. And then I was happy. It was good to be ignored....I love it when I think my day's going shitty and all of a sudden it's going great.

At 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So last night right around library closing time I was walking along the stacks on floor 2 (there's a nice bathroom there, real quite) and guess what I see? Yup, you guessed it- he had her pinned up against the wall, her legs were wrapped around him and they were humping and sucking face. Nice. I thank you two for the show and I can't wait to see you both in Contracts tomorrow morning.


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