Wednesday, March 16, 2005

big fun in legal writing this morning...

i wish that we could always have 9a and 9b together for that class, because it's a recipe for comedy. we sure were enthusiastic about volunteering for her moot court practice activity, eh?

my favorite student - teacher exchange (and perhaps the least-socratic dialogue of the year) was between mr. oldis and professor schneider...

schneider: so do you guys have any questions about appellate advocacy?
oldis: yeah, what's the deal with the appellate advocacy?

and her reaction was totally like, 'good question,' as if that had to be asked before she would begin teaching her lesson on it.

then the highlight of the day came when robyn showed us the video of hellerstein circa 1979. that was worth the price of admission alone.

let's just say that hella has pretty much been a pimp for at least three decades now. looking surprisingly svelte in his non-husky suit, it was really a treat to watch him completely own his opponent. of course, the funniest thing about the tape was how he kept interrupting the judges in the middle of their questions. the chutzpah on that guy!

anyhow, i guess that i don't really care too much about how the moot court tryout goes. if anything was made clear to me via my trial ad tryout, it's that i don't have any sort of future whatsoever in litigation. if i do manage to pass the bar, i think that my specialty will end up being filing or photocopying or something like that.

even though i'm not too nervous about it since i know that i've got virtually no shot, i have to admit that the idea of talking about RLUIPA for twelve minutes seems a bit unrealistic.

i mean, twelve minutes?!? how the fuck am i going to fill twelve minutes? i'll probably have to bring along a guitar, so that if i run out of arguments, maybe i could just sing "terrapin station" or something like that to fill the time.


oh yeah, on yesterday's board, lochner monster asked, "is there any way Menlove we can get a calculator type deal on the blsforgood blogspot- i.e. so we can see the running total? I 'aint no techie but I'm sure there's some coding you can throw in to make it happen."

menlove replies: um, i'm not sure i understand what this calculator's function would be, LM... i sort of already added up the running total towards the top of the BLS for Good website. anyway, if you're thinking of something more complex than that, i doubt i'll be able to figure it out, especially considering that it took me two months to figure out how to post even a picture on menlovian. but let me know what you had in mind, and maybe we can work it out.

ok, it's way past my bedtime already, and we've got an exciting morning with beryl in just 9 hours...

remember to send your pledges to every little bit helps.

visit BLS for Good to see how much progress we've made, or click here to learn more about how to contribute.


At 2:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meant to tell you Menlove that I like the names you made up for the categories of donors. I hope to someday be a Huxtable, though a sour patch kid is probably more in my price range.

At 2:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meant to tell you Menlove that I like the names you made up for the categories of donors. I hope to someday be a Huxtable, though a sour patch kid is probably more in my price range.

At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Menlove is really...Bono.

At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't be Bono. Nobody in sec 9 wears leather pants... or drones on and on like someone is actually listening. Well maybe some do the second part, but without the leather part, it just ain't Bono.

At 8:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius. Commander of the Armies of the North. General of the Felix Legions. Loyal servant to the true Emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife, and I will have my vengance, in this life or the next."


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