Tuesday, March 01, 2005

professional crastination

i've been wasting time like an absolute pro tonight. first, i spent three hours watching the season finale of the bachelorette.

i've never watched this particular piece of reality garbage before, so i didn't totally get what was going on, but it was basically about this old, wart-faced chick named jen smegma or something like that, who was constantly crying because she was in love with two guys, and half the show was pretty much just her crying like a blubbering fool, with tears flowing (literally) into her cleavage. at the end of the second hour, she finally convinces these two guys to propose to her, and then she rejects them both. the whole last hour was pretty much just her and this one pretty boy she rejected talking about how they were just going to be friends.

quite a payoff for all the time i invested in front of the telly! next, i looked at a bunch or artwork online for about an hour. this was my favorite painting of the evening. i have no idea who the artist is. do any of you?


finally, and for the last thirty minutes, i've been trying to figure out the following proof, but thus far, to no avail. perhaps one of you smarties out there can give me a hand with it, because i'm pretty much stupefied.

(i could not figure out how to do superscript here, so on lines 2 & 3, everywhere you see a "2", it should be "squared". hope that makes sense.)

a = b

a2 = ab [this line should read: a squared equals a b]

a2 - b2 = ab-b2 [this line should read: a squared minus b squared equals a b minus b squared]

(a-b)(a+b) = b(a-b)

a + b = b

b + b = b

2b = b

2 = 1


long story short, i'm doing everything in my power to avoid doing the contracts reading. now that i've survived being on call in there, my motivation to actually do any work for that class has diminished significantly.

only a true menlove would waste a whole evening rather than crack a book for a class that's worth, oh, 1/3 of his GPA...

ok, i surrender. contract law, here i come. hasta manana.


At 2:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

isn't today the day of the big performance by our to contracts class thespians! i'm psyched!!!

At 2:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are killing me with your identity hints but I keep in mind that they are probably not true. Trial advocacy list narrows you down and then the Contracts on-call list narrows you down even more. But it is probably not true...


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