Friday, February 25, 2005

viewer mail

i must say that my spirits are high these days. now that the brief is out of the way, things have been looking quite a bit brighter. (you've got to wonder, though, why it's called a brief, when it's so frickin' long.)

i'm actually feeling motivated to get caught up in con law, to start exercising again, and to really work hard to line up some interviews for summer jobs. plus, i'm ready to do some serious drinking this weekend, and in the weeks ahead.

i hope everyone else out there is feeling similarly relieved and optimistic. and for those of you in the international legal writing class who are still wrestling with your briefs... hang in there. the sun will shine on you again soon.

thanks to those of you who gave me the positive feedback on yesterday's craptastic tale. i'd actually like to respond to some of your responses...

  • "By my count Menlove, you've invented at least three shitty new words for us today:excretorian, fecalogue, and defacatory." well, thanks, i guess. although defecatory is definitely already a real word, and excretorian is nothing more than a creative suffixation (i'm not sure if suffixation is a word, but whatever), i will take full credit for the invention of the word fecalogue. note to the OED committee... fecalogue (noun): a story about poop.
  • "Menlove please don't ever reveal your identity. You scare me." don't worry, i won't be revealing my identity. but don't be scared. it was just a story. all things considered, it was a pretty harmless one, too. believe me when i tell you that i'm capable of writing stuff that's much, much more demented, stories that would curl your teeth and tear away your faith in humanity. but it's all just fiction. any long time menlovian reader with his or her salt has realized by now that i'm pretty much just here to entertain, cheer, and spread good will.
  • "Menlove, if only you could condense your tale of fecal adventure into a poem that could be recited in property class..." that would be something, but i'm going to leave that to you guys. i know we've got some closet poets out there, eh? show me what you got.
  • "menlove,if your grades are what you say they are, i recommend you drop out've got a heck of a career in front of you as a writer. while i'm not sure who'd print a story of your fecal adventures, you've definitely got some fine, creative writing skills..." well, thank you. i'm flattered, honestly. i know that these are just silly stories i toss off, and that i have the luxury of doing it anonymously, but to be completely honest, whenever i post something here, i do feel like i'm putting a little piece of myself on the line, and it makes me feel good to know that people enjoy the stuff that i write. and by the way, if any of you would ever like to read some of the real stuff i've written over the last few years in creative writing classes, stuff that i'm actually proud of, stuff that gets revised, rather than just getting tossed off during a procrastination break, let me know. i've even written a children's story that is pretty awesome, and is, thankfully, 100% doodie free. what would be even better is if any of you has connections to a major publishing house... i'd certainly be happy to drop out of law school faster than you can say heathcliff huxtable.

well, you know i try to keep these entries to 25 minutes max. obviously, last night i more than doubled that limit, so i'm going to cut this one off right about now. enjoy the weekend, and hopefully our paths will cross at the bars over these next few days.

later, taters.


At 1:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just finally had a chance to read the story. HOly shit.

There was one paragraph that I think was just about the greatest thing ever written in the English language:

"it smelled like a zombie's colostomy bag... like a maggot orgy in a putrefied piece of fetid fish flesh that had been unceremoniously shoved up my nose. and as i began to smell not just the penumbra of the dump, but the vile core itself, i believe that i died a little on the inside."

Bravo, M!

At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

there's another 1L Brooklyn Blawg.

Anyone know who these ladies are, or what section they're in? It's not getting the Menlovian quantity of discussion, but I think they've got something going on...

At 7:59 PM, Blogger I Am Chadha said...

Hey, we're not all ladies.

At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean you're not out at school?

At 9:10 PM, Blogger I Am Chadha said...

Nobody in our section knows about our blog yet, or if they do, they haven't told us yet. It's been hard work coaxing our visitors into chatting.


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