Wednesday, February 23, 2005

what happened?

all drink and no sleep makes menlove an absolute mess.

i haven't slept in a long time. i haven't been to class in like a week. way too much tequila this afternoon. i never want to think about amos again. or kiryas. or that dude jesus jihad. (did anyone else meet him?) no more lining up the right margin on the table of authorities, no more joint statements of senators hatch and kennedy, no more lynn berkley and the children of the corn, or whatever the fuck they were called.

thank god we're done dealing with the Repeated Lubricated Use of Industrialized Penises Act. for now at least.

been meaning to say hi to "campaniella." thanks for signing in. are you really a grad student from st. louis? and if so, how did you stumble upon menlovian?

hello also to "human paraquat." i actually get this reference. lots of dude fans out there, it seems.

i must sleep. i'll be back to the regular routine tomorrow. my dixie wrecked.


At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Menlove, what does it mean that your dixie wrecked? What is a dixie?

Also, we need to add this to the Beryl drinking game:

Whenever she says "blahblahblahblah," drink once for each blah.

Today that would've been twenty five drinks, especially during the poetry reading.

At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate the days berry decides to call on the entire shirt color, laptop type, and glasses.

At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't send him the info without the packet b/c it gives you a case side. HOWEVER, there are no packets left so you can email him that you couldn't get one

At 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me what we have to read for contracts tommorow?


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