Tuesday, February 15, 2005


i'm just so friggin' tired right now. the amount of work we're dealing with is utterly dehumanizing.

does anyone care to join me for a dozen or so whiskey shots on tuesday after the brief is handed in? we'll surely need it, as these next seven days will certainly not be fun.

thanks to everyone who wished me a happy v-day via email or on the message board. someone even sent me an electronic greeting card! it was a nice valentine's day for me, and i hope that the same was true for all of you as well.

as i said, i'm tired, and i still haven't even finished contracts. the point is that i should be working right now. the same is probably true for you. however, for those of you who really need a study break, here are two articles you might enjoy:

this article has been making the rounds in the last few days, but i thought i'd post it here for those of you who might have missed it. it's the nice little story about the judge and the penis pump...


finally, here's an interesting article about affirmative action and law school admissions from this weekend's ny times... (registration required)


finally, someone emailed me and asked me how my summer job search was coming along.

the short answer is that it isn't coming along whatsoever. or if it did come at all, it unfortunately came all over itself, and is now passed out like a drunken lover, in a deep and seemingly endless slumber, oblivious to the rapid approach of the month of may.

i'm really freaked out about this, but i'm wondering, should i be? is it normal to be jobless on february 15th of your first year of law school?

let's find out...

Do you have a summer job yet?
I am not a 1L, Menlove!

thanks for reading. i'll see you all on the flip side.



At 2:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like many of you I am a bit of a Menlove identity sleuth, though I usually search for clues in the entries themselves instead of looking to the personalities of our classmates.

Though Menlove definately tosses in a lot of false trails for us to follow in his postings (for example I don't believe for a second that he gets bad grades, uses the 8th floor faculty bathroom, watches Cosby every day, etc.), he does leave a lot of clues unintentionally. I believe that he left a big one recently, but I need some confirmation.

During the week leading up to the Super Bowl, Menlove wrote:

"i gotta send out props to prof schneider for delaying monday's homework assignment so that we can watch "101 most starlicious makeovers" sunday night on E!... that was one email from her that i was glad to see."

Here's the thing. I am in 9B, and I was there when Evan asked her to delay it so we could watch the game. She said yes on the spot. I do not believe that she ever sent out an email to 9B about the new due date. Did she?

And to all of you in 9A... did she then send out an email about the new due date?

The point is that I think that Menlove screwed up by assuming that the email was sent to 9A and 9B like 99% of Robyn's emails are. It seems that Menlove genuinely slipped up here, and that there is a very good chance that our anonymous blogger is one of the ten or so guys in 9A... five of whom I can eliminate as potential candidates with no trouble at all.

If someone could confirm whether emails were or were not sent to 9A and 9B, I would appreciate it.

I'm coming to get you Menlove...

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk about an US Weekly vibe.

Menlove, I couldn't vote but I don't have a job yet either. In fact a guy told me that last year he got a clerkship about week after finals. So you're fine.

At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im in 9A and the email said...
Thanks to Section 9B, you have an extension to hand in your moot court
table of authorities to Tuesday, Feb. 8 (instead of Monday, Feb. 7).

The addresses were only 9A people.

At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Menlove, you had 3 DATE AUCTION nominations but no one knew who you were!!! One of them even said they would pay $500!!! I know you wouldn't blow your cover though! Maybe you will come and buy one of the lovely girls in our section who were nominated.

At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

where is this auction? can i still nominate someone (myself)? what do the proceeds benefit?

At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The auction is Thurdsay March 3rd at Magnetic Field. You can send nominations to jennifer.jacobs@brooklaw.edu

Not a single person out of 30 went without a bid last year.

The money will likely be split between a local brooklyn organization and the tsunami relief.

Last year over $1000 was raised. Most went to a good cause and the rest went to expenses- free drinks and tickets to new york comedy club for all the people who were auctioned and their dates (which is also a good cause).

At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Folks, as a self-proscribed tree hugger galore, can I make a suggestion?

We all drink gallons of coffee a day and wwhether its Starbucks, DD, or the caf, usually we use the disposdable paper. That's a whole lotta waste if you thibnk about it.

But we have a simple alternative at a fingertips that can, with little effort and no additional cost, really help in cutting down on the waste. The caf sells those plastic re-usable coffee thingamagingers that for $5. You get a cup of coffee with the purchase plus five free cups thereafter which means the damn thing pays for itself. Most importantly, you get to play a personal roll in reducing waste.

Not trying to lecture, just wanted to point out the option. Go trees and fresh air!

At 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think we should all come clean as to who we nominated


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