Wednesday, March 02, 2005

hit the links

i've really got to be quick tonight. i'm nowhere near done with my opening statement, and i just figured out that my opponent for my matchup is not one to be trifled with. there's little doubt in my mind that i will be thoroughly embarrassing myself this friday. should be a nice little way to kick off the weekend.

so i'm writing that tonight, and not much else here. if you're desperate for a study break, here's a great article from today's NY times about that piece-of-garbage reality show, the bachelorette. it's very well written, and it pretty much spells out how shitty the show is, and how shitty it makes us by watching it. you can find the article here.

(yes, yes, i've finally figured out how to make a link without writing out the whole terrible URL! and to think, it only took me half a year of blogging!) turns out that you don't need any code at all. blogger makes this little button. you push it, and the link basically just makes itself. voila!)

allow me to show off...

click here to see a lazy cat!

or here to see a really big vagina! (warning: slightly disturbing nudity...)

finally, if you're in the mood to see a demonstration little-known fringe benefit of excessive and habitual cocaine use, click here! (warning: fairly disturbing...)

my faithful readers may note that the bachelorette article linked above is similar in some regards to my entry from two nights ago. i'd like to think that the writers at the times basically sit around and wait for me to post my nightly entry so that they can plagiarize it. although, for some reason, i don't think that my poop story will wind up in the paper of record anytime soon.

a similar thing happened in this month's BLS newspaper, as some of the themes from my entry on the new BLS banners have found their way into the school rag. not that i'm really accusing anyone of copying my inane little ideas; it's just that when it comes to trivial commentary, your old friend menlove is occassionally ahead of the curve.

ok, time to get back to hickernell & co. see you all with the dozer.


At 1:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, that was one really large vagina.

At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

menlove, i'm sorry you removed the conversation about the student who is always late, though some of the comments were sort of cruel.

regardless, for those people who are CONSTANTLY late to EVERY class, it's really annoying for those of us who hauled our tired asses out of bed 15 minutes earlier. we're all late every once in a while, but there are those who seem to have some sort of "late disease." show some respect for your classmates.

At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How Not to Argue an Appellate Case

4 minutes of oral argument gold.


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