Wednesday, March 23, 2005

woo wooo!!!

Bonjour! Konichiwa! Al salaam a'alaykum! Ni hao! Hello! ¡Hola! Chào! Bon giorno! Guten Tag! Jambo! Zdravstvuite! Shalom! Dobar Dan!

hope you're all enjoying these few final and fleeting days of spring break. it's been a nice little stretch of time off for your old friend menlove; however, i'm realizing that in just a few short days, we'll be back to the normal grind. that totally blows, so i guess all we can really do now is make the most of the time we've got.

anyway, on with the show...

i received a pretty random email a couple of days ago from someone who is thinking about enrolling at good old BLS. they didn't sign the letter, but it appeared in my inbox as being writen by someone named "jes ..." (hopefully you don't mind me posting your email, dude!)

i figured i might as well get everyone's input on it, since you all tend to be quite a bit wiser than i am. check it out:

"when i began researching law schools everyone who knew anything about ny and
brooklyn law sent me to your site. so i have been reading your blog for a while. and wanted to say that you are an amazing writer and your fucking hilarious (my girlfriend thinks you should definetly keep this stuff and publish it or go write for snl or something) anyway, im in the process of making decisions about law school. brooklyn is one of my top choices. i know your busy but i was wondering if you could share your opinions about the school? is it conservative at all? knowing what
you know now would you still decide on brooklyn for law school? is it competitive? overall do you like it? any advice or suggestions are appreciated. thanks"

naturally, i have one or two responses to this inquiry, but i hope that anyone else who reads this will offer their informed perspective either on the message board, or in an email to "jes..."

so, jes, flattery will certainly get you everywhere. in this case, the first half of your letter sufficiently inflated my ego to the point that i'm writing this entire entry for you. thanks for your kind words. unfortunately, i doubt very much that anything i write here is worthy of publication. my best bet would likely be a guest column in the BLS newspaper, but even that seems like a long shot. fortunately, i'm happy where i am, writing what i can to satisfy my fellow BLSers.

you've asked some interesting questions. here's my take, but remember that this is just one idiot's opinion.

is it conservative at all? well, yes, a little bit. of course, this is new york city, home to a great concentration of what some would call "enlightened, progressive, compassionate souls" and what others would call "the liberal elite." from my limited experience with the professors of brooklyn law, it seems as if most of them lean slightly or dramatically to the left. while most of my classmates tend to be liberal as well, a solid chunk (perhaps 15-25%?) would likely describe themselves as fiscally and/or socially conservative, and several other classmates probably fall somewhere in between. in my opinion, this leads to some really interesting class discussions, as well as to arguments / debates with classmates during lunch or over beers.

knowing what you know now would you still decide on brooklyn for lawschool? yes, i would. though at times i regret the decision to come to law school in general, i'm happy that i chose BLS. of course, the reality is that virtually everyone at brooklyn was hoping that they'd get into columbia or NYU (and possibly even fordham or cardozo), and had to "settle" for BLS after being rejected to these other schools. there's really no way to sugarcoat the fact that our beloved BLS is quite simply only the fifth-best law school in new york city.

now obviously, people consider several factors in picking a law school. for instance, in addition to the school's rank, i considered the cost and financial aid / scholarship package available, the neighborhood, the commute, the student body, the programs offered, the physical facilities, and so on.

bottom line, if the only law schools you get into are BLS and columbia, unless you're looking at a full scholarship to BLS, there's really no reason to come here. at columbia, the recruiters wait in line to suck your toes, even if you're a menlove like me. (so i've heard, at least.) however, if you get into several similarly-situated schools such as BLS, st. john's and cardozo, you should give BLS some serious thought. the neighborhood is great, most of the professors are good, and your classmates will generally be very cool, interesting and smart.

is it competitive? it's competitive, but not cut-throat. everyone here understands that the professors are only allowed to give out a certain amount of A's, that only a certain percentage of us will get onto law review, that only a handful of us will land the judicial internships, and that only a few of us will get onto moot court.

some people succeed in all regards. most people try really hard but fall short. a few people just don't care at all.

however, everything i've said so far is true at virtually every law school in the country. what's cool about BLS is that people aren't out to kill each other, to sabotage anyone else's chances for success or anything like that. for instance, if i was to miss a class, i could probably ask at least a dozen people to send me their notes. and i'd gladly return the favor if they needed my help.

before law school, i heard horror stories about pages being ripped out from books and stuff like that. i've never seen anything lame like that happening here. really, the only uncool thing i've heard of so far was that at the end of last semester, a handful of smart people in the class set up some secret study sessions to which no one else was invited (although this may just be hearsay, except that i don't really know what hearsay means, so i'm not sure.) of course, this is their prerogative, and it's not like any secret study session kept me from getting an A anyway.

bottom line: people work hard here and are generally happy to lend a hand. it's a healthy vibe for a law school.

overall do you like it? if you've really been reading menlovian for awhile, you probably know the answer to this question. but to summarize, i'll say that i do not believe that it is possible to truly "like" law school, because it's just so enormously and relentlessly shitty. yet, i'm not unhappy. i've had one or two great professors, made one or two friends, and learned one or two things along the way. i've also made several ones and twos in the bathrooms, but that's neither here nor there...

any advice or suggestions are appreciated. ok, here are some final tidbits of advice and suggestions to help you along your way:

  • don't try methamphetamines for the first time the night before you take the LSAT.
  • before you write your exams, learn the difference between "your" and "you're" (i don't mean to pick on you, but i noticed this and other apostrophic errors in your letter, and i'd imagine that sebok & co. would poop on any exam answer with such egregious errors contained therein...)
  • start an anonymous blog! it's a great way to put off revising your brief for professor schneider.

hope that helped, jes... perhaps my classmates will have a thing or two to add to what i've said so far. good luck on the entire process, and perhaps someday we'll meet over a steaming hot cup of douwe egberts.


before i sign off, i've got four quick things to mention.

first, i'd like to welcome "adam" to our little menlovian freaknik thingy. thanks for logging in, dude! nice job on the creative nickname, and thanks also for sharing the funny anecdote about your dad. i wish i could've been there when you explained to him what the hell menlovian is.

second, big ups to the person who posted the link to the famous clip of bubb rubb & lil sis.


i actually saw that clip several months ago, but was happy to see those two again. so happy, in fact, that i had a whistle tip welded into my vas deferens. now my man-queefs make a screaming noise! wooo WOOOO!!!

(ok, that made absolutely no sense. anyway...)

(by the way, if you google bubb rubb, you'll find all sorts of fun soundboards, movie remixes, and images.)

third, we're off to a great start with the fundraising on BLSforGood. if you're interested in helping the people of africa, or even if you're just interested in piercing the menlovian veil, drop me a line at, and let me know how much you'd like to contribute. and thanks again to those of you who have already pledged over 350 dollars!!!

finally, i'll start posting daily again once classes get going. i've been working on a year-in-pictures piece that i think some of you may enjoy, plus some other weird stories and the usual random crap.

keep it real! (real dumb.)



At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with most of Menlove's discussion on BLS. A note on the professors: From what I've seen so far at BLS, we've got a pretty wide range of teaching styles and quality. I've been alternately inspired by some teachers (torts; civ pro), and frustrated by others (not to be mentioned here).

At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And legal writing will make you cry. More than once.

At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was just reading an article on the debate regarding the efforts of some to increase conservative professors through legislation, and i thought people here might be interested. i know this was discussed here a little while back, and it speaks somewhat to jes' questions about politics in the schools, although not necessarily to BLS specifically.

as for jes' questions, if you're set on new york city, i'd look at the hierarchy like this...

1-NYU or columbia - if you're lucky enough to have this choice, don't think twice.
2-Fordham - fordham is hands-down the best school in NY after NYU or columbia. don't let anyone tell you otherwise. i was advised of this fact during the application process by many lawyers. if you get in here, don't think about BLS or cardozo.
3-BLS, Cardozo, St. John's - if you have a choice here, i would recommend visiting the schools to get a feel for them. academically, they are very close. i chose BLS over Cardozo after visiting both, and i am very glad i visited them. i did not like cardozo. to each his own...

and one more thing...if you get straight A's, it doesn't matter where you go. it's when you're somewhere in the middle (which most of us are) that the distinctions between the schools become more relevant.

At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have my practice round with robyn next week, and i'm realizing that i don't know how to pronounce RLUIPA...

is it: AR-LOO-PUH
or is it: RUH-LOO-PUH

i've heard people in class say it both ways.

At 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

or is it RIL-OOEY-PAH? i think i like this one the most. rilooeypah.

At 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry every day that I did not take the full schlarship from St. Johns which I likely would have kept because you only have to be in the top 3rd to keep it.

At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suspect that some of our classmates are boxing out of their intellectual weight class. Just doesn’t seem fair in a Teddy Roosevelt "rugged individualist" kind of way. Doesn’t taking a path that offers less resistance cheapen the whole affair?

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

people, i've already given more than i can afford to africare. if this year ends and i don't get to find out who menlove is, i'm going to be pissed off as hell.

at least give a fucking dollar!

woo woooooo!

At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boxing out of their league? BLS is something like #80 in the rankings. Not too impressive! St. John's is 3 or 4 notches different!! I think it would be a lot smarter to take almost 100K in scholarship money!!

At 1:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's jus' decorations. We do it fo' decorations.

At 2:33 PM, Blogger Saucy Intruder said...

First of all, we're 67 according to US News, which strictly speaking is about 10 ranks lower than last year, but when you really think about it, is not very different.

USNews is about selling magazines, and about selling their law school guides. The rankings change every year, mostly because (like our law school grades), they're based on a fairly narrow set of criteria. And, much like our law school grades, there seem to be a whole lot of ties in the middle range. So while we've technically dropped 10 schools, we've only dropped three rankings from where we were last year, and next year the whole listing will get juggled again.

Cardozo is not so much of a better school that you have to do any better there than you do at Brooklyn. Even Fordham is not significantly better.

In fact, someone once mentioned to me that people at the bottom of the class from NYU have some real trouble finding jobs. If you ask me, I'd rather be in the middle at BLS than the bottom at NYU. At least brooklyn our career people know what to do with people who aren't all getting clerkships and working for the big firms. But that's my $0.02

At 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I tell people I go to Brooklyn no one is impressed. Everyone thinks it is like a public law school or something! Maybe a part of Brooklyn College.

At 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me what the HW is for Con Law and Civ Pro. That would make my day... Or ruin it.

At 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope people don't feel bad about going to bls (by that i mean feeling its not "impressive" or something). There are schools in nyc that are def better/better job oppertunities but that doesn't make bls bad. If u are talking to someone and they think bls isn't "impressive" or "good enough" its probably cause they're some elitist ass-clown. Most normal people would be like "oh you go to law school... that's good." Even if its the lowest ranking school ever- its a LAW SCHOOL. You gotta be a real pompus dickhead to be like "Yeah you go to law school but it not one of the top law schools." Oh man i wish someone would say that to me so i could piss on their face-

At 1:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

right on, brother

At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 4:37- con law is 860-870. Not sure about civpro, but we just started the Lockheed case last time.

Bargee-you have property right, we don't have to read all the way through.

Happy easter, everyone!

At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gotta agree that the school you go to is kind of overblown. Law school is stressful enough without worrying about "could've, would've, should've." The fact of the matter is that going to a top school might get you in the door at a top firm, but in terms of a career the type of person you are will be way, way, way more important. If you still don't believe it, just look at the success of some of our alums. They didn't get where they are because of the school listed on their JD diploma. Short term, just keep focusing on the work, learning, growing, maximizing your potential, etc. etc. Everything else works itself out.

At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to 10:38 and 2:40 anons! When I came to BLS I didn't even know Fordham and Cardozo existed and I was shocked to see all these people walking around with a major second-class citizen syndrome. If you wanted to drop names on your resume, you should have gone to Harvard. But you didn't... so have some respect for yourself and your other wonderful, smart, hard-working classmates.


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