Thursday, April 14, 2005

sam, dig this!

the title of course refers to axl hellerstein's way of addressing professor samuel murumba in regards to the disappearing civil liberties mug.

it was a boring class, though hellerstein jazzed it up a bit with his sweet infomercial for the aforementioned product, as well as some major league name-dropping, including references to poker games with harvard professor saks, and some guy named robert kennedy.

(sam, dig this: i was speaking this past weekend with some idiot at a bar who told me that she'd just gotten invited to a party being thrown by one of the kennedys.

"that's cool," i said. "which one?"

her answer: jamie.

my flabbers were so gasted that i nearly shit her pants. it's always amazing when i meet a fellow menlove.)

(as a side note, i would love for someone to come up with a list of hellerstein's all-time greatest name-drops. i know i've written about others before, but i couldn't possibly remember them all. can you?)

anyhow, did anyone else find professor jones' lesson to be unusually clear and well-taught today? my notes make sense, and i actually learned quite a bit. i felt like i'd gotten my money's worth in property, which was a good feeling.

however, shammy once again stole the show in today's class, which means that the kid's basically kicking ass this week. i don't know how the hell he comes up with his shit so quickly, but the guy's definitely been making class a lot more memorable. i'm not sure if you read this crap, david, but if you'd ever like to write a guest column in menlovian on any topic you wish, i'd gladly hand over the reigns for a day. email me if you're interested.

i guess there are really only two questions yet to be answered this week:

will poser say the words "sperm oil" in class tomorrow? and will someone actually pelt robyn with a bagel tomorrow?

(if the answer to both these questions is yes, i'll drop trou and stick my big menlovian butt in the air, and wave it like i just don't care.) (unless that would be too fratty.)

sam, dig this: only 9 days of class left! holy shnikies! oh yeah, what's up, "owen equipment and erection company"? glad to have you on board.

hope you all enjoy classes tomorrow. especially prasanna subramanian, demian ordway, rebecca blum, and sarah martel. i hope you guys have the time of your life.

i'm out like the gout (and i'm illin' like penicillin, but that's neither here nor there).

stay frosty,



At 2:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that David is a super funny dude. I thought for a long time that he was Menlove, until I realized that Menlove was a section 9'er.

David you should totally do the guest column.

At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. RE: Library cell phones. I know that I found myself last week in the library with someone who kept her cellphone on her desk the entire day, and got about 2000 text messages. And every single time she got one, her phone made a very loud noise and vibrated on the table. It sounded as though we'd had a hull breach and the Enterprise was going down. All forking day.

As far as "it happens to everyone", yeah. It does. Once. When your phone goes off in the library for the first time, you have several options available to you:
1. Turn your cellphone off
2. Turn the volume down/off
3. Put the phone in silent mode (most phones have this)
4. Take your phone (which seems to have a better egg than any vibrator I've ever seen), and put it on a book instead of directly on the desk.
5. TAKE YOUR HEADPHONES OFF so maybe you realize what a disruption you're being!
6. Leave the open areas of the library, and go find yourself a secluded area where you and your vibrator/phone can set off alarms in peace.
7. Of course, you can just stop text messaging too.

I guess I don't need to say I fall in the "be quiet if you're in the library" strata of the fratmosphere, but come on, if you're going to be disruptive, go somewhere else.

At 9:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the semester ends and more people jam into the library I'd like to beg, yes BEG, all the cool people, all the dorks, all the indifferent label-free humanoids to please listen to your wonderful classmates and keep the party in your pants. And if we can somehow master the cellphone, here's a few more:

1. Eating. If the sound of your chomping is distracting to you, we can hear it too.

2. Mice. If you attach a mouse to our laptop then click your way thru 463 FreeCell games, please know that you are bugging the shit out of everyone.

3. Funny Ha Ha. I'm glad there is such joy in your life. But if your IM buddy is making you burst out laughing over and over and over and over and over and you think by laughing thru your nose it's not distracting other're wrong.

4. Sex in the 2 floor stacks. Actually, I'm for it. Keep up the good work.

At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

moot court 2nd round names are on the 1st floor

At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats to those who made 2nd rounds! good job guys

At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, for your next poll Menlove, I suggest you poll the class on who's the best prof of the year- Sebok or Poser?

At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: the girl who got 2000 text messages that day that both vibrated and rang. YOu know who you are (or we certainly know who you are, everyone was talking about how annoing you were)if you're gonna leave your phone on, do it either on vibrate (prefereable)or sound BUT NOT BOTH!!!!!!

At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the whole "people's names, have the time of your life" thing?

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

section 8--let's hear the drunk hook-up gossip stories


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