Tuesday, April 12, 2005


you guys are great...

i figure that i must enjoy the arguments and jokes on the message boards more than anyone else. it's always fun to hear what people think about menlove and menlovian, even those who don't like it. thanks for the constructive criticism, thanks to those of you who stick up for what i'm doing here, thanks to those of you who keep the mood light, and thanks to 10:05 for your advice.

today was a normal monday, except that even the professors are starting to hint at how the end is in sight. hella mentioned that we only have something like five more class meetings (is this right???) and beryl casually mentioned how some of us might not be in attendance on wednesday.

in the strangest way, i'm actually starting to become a little bit fond of professor jones. she was basically in a good mood today, and when she's in a good mood, the class can be somewhat interesting.

but what always cracks me up about her is how she's constantly encouraging us to ask her to slow down, or to repeat herself when she's going too quickly for our note-taking. yet when we ask her to do so, she invariably loses track of what she's just said. if you ask her to repeat something, it's as if you've asked her a question about something she's never even mentioned before.

i imagine that her brain is like this really frantic computer that spits out memos at a terrifying rate, and her mouth is like the paper-shredder that destroys the words systematically as they exit from her mouth... or that each sentence she utters is like a chain of lemmings taking a suicide leap off of her tongue, never to be revived again.

she's truly a one-in-a-million personality.

con law was basically slow today, but the highlight was hella's digression toward the end of class about (i wish i could remember the party names) that bronx attorney who had his girlfriend blinded, and how she stayed with him while he was in jail, and how he then "played around" on her afterwards...

but of courst the best part of the story was when shammy tossed off what was perhaps the funniest line of the month, about how it didn't matter because his girlfriend "couldn't see him cheating anyway."

that was some funny shit. i would never have the balls to toss off a one-liner like that in the middle of one of hellerstein's bronx tales. here's to you, david!

so i know that sometimes you guys write to me looking for advice about dating or school or whatever, but today i sort of need some of you to return the favor. i've found myself in a sad and strange situation, and was wondering what course of action some of the wiser souls among you would advise...

this story is true. i know i always say that a story is true, and then it turns out to be a bunch of outrageous, tracheotomy hole-sucking nonsense, but this one is really true, no matter how much i wish that it wasn't.

so there's this guy i've known since i was five years old. for the sake of this story, i'll call him B. actually, to give you a sense of my relationship with B, here's a brief timeline of my relationship with him. the number after each bullet represents how old he and i were when each thing happened.
  • 5... i meet B in a local community thingy, and we become friends. our parents become friends as well.
  • 6, 7, 8... B and i play on various community sports teams together. each of our dads coaches at various times. B is a good athlete, but already sort of a spaz.
  • 9, 10, 11, 12, 13... B and i fluctuate between being decent friends and just casual friendly faces. i have crazy adventures with him, like when he and i broke into our middle school basement to "explore," and eventually came upon the room where the janitor lived. B steals candy from the janitor's room. i ate it with him. at bar mitzvahs, B leads our group of friends out of services to go mix shit up. at one point, the rabbi's wife tackles him as he sneaks out of a service. when we are twelve, some girls ask B to see his penis, and he obliges. he also starts rolling "joints" made out of herbal tea, and we try to smoke these in the bathroom at my church. you get the point. meanwhile, our dads play softball on the same team for many years, and B's parents treat me like family whenever i'm at their house (which is a few times per year), because they like my family so much, and find me to be a calm and kind influence on their son.
  • 14, 15... we're at the same high school, but B doesn't fit in too well socially. he is so brash and confident, but always aloof and clueless. the cooler kids tolerate him, even hang out with him, but treat him like garbage. as the months go by, he is viewed like more and more of a freak. B is also getting high and drinking almost daily by the start of sophomore year. (by the way, B is the youngest of 3 boys. both brothers are druggies, and his parents should be divorced, but aren't. his mom is also getting pretty sick with liver issues, i believe brought about by drinking, but i don't know for sure.)
  • 16... B stops by my place of employment to tell me that he's running away from home. his parents call me the next day, and i tell them what i know. he lives with an uncle in florida for a few weeks, then they ship him back home. his folks enroll him in the snottiest private school in town. from what i heard, the kids there treated him like total garbage, beating him up and so on. i hardly hang out with him at all anymore, and when i do, i try to keep us out of public, because he's always on the verge of making a scene, offending someone, acting like an idiot, or whatever.
  • 17,18... pretty much out of contact with him, but still am friendly with his folks when i see them.
  • 18,19... he manages to graduate, and we go to the same college. he's in my latin class freshman year, but he attends only once every other week, and usually falls asleep in class. one day he shows up to class without a shirt on, and wearing a necklace with all these crazy feathers all over it, then immediately falls asleep at his desk. the professor has had enough, and tells him to get out. a week later, he's dropped out of school.
  • 19,20... we're barely in touch. i see him maybe twice a year, and try to keep it on the DL, as he's even more of a social pariah than ever. i still care about the kid, and know that he has a good heart, but it's just too damn embarrassing to be in public with him. he came once to my dorm and shamed me by hitting on every one of my female friends in an obnoxious and rude manner, then nearly got his ass kicked at a party, then got literally thrown out of the party, flung through the air onto his ass on the sidewalk.
  • 21... he came to a party my friends and i threw senior year. we actually had a good time. he stands on a ping-pong table in the middle of a crowded room, and shouts out the following declaration: "i can out-drink, out-smoke, and out-trip anyone at this party." people sort of seem to like him for once. his mom has a stroke and some major throat surgery. his brothers have their acts together, and now have families and graduate degrees. he's still not really in school, and gets fired from some jobs in our home town
  • 22... i graduate, he doesn't. we speak on the phone maybe 3x per year. i'm always rooting for him, hoping that he'll get his shit together, but he's basically grown into one of the most wacky people i've ever met. he's still got what i think is a good heart, and it still bums me out how much trouble he's having getting a foothold in life.

so this is where shit gets horrible, and some very unsettling things start happening. B manages to piece together some sort of associate's degree in horticulture, and actually somehow becomes a franchisee for fairly major chain in our hometown, opening a store close to his folks' home. he also moves into his own place. he's got a steady job and the store is doing well (or at least it's not going out of business), but he's still doing all sorts of coke and LSD.

we rarely speak. he calls one time to catch up, and i ask him about his dating life. he asks me my opinion about whether it's ok to hook up with a girl who is under 18. (apparently, the only friends he seems to have are the high-school aged employees who work for him.) i'm like, god no... you've got to be joking... under no circumstances... don't even maintain non-professional friendships... don't put yourself in a situation where things could even be remotely romantic... etc, etc... all the stuff any sane adult would say in such a situation. B seems to understand, and thanks me for my advice.

some time passes, and a girl from my high school class who also knew B from when he attended our school calls me to tell me that she heard that B was registered as a sex offender in our home state. i tell her that i don't believe it, and i do some pretty extensive research into the available sex registries, but can't find his name.

last night, i'm doing the property reading, and get to the stuff about the condo association that wants to bar tier-3 sex offenders. it reminds me about B, so i do some more internet searches, and sure enough, there he is. it's his name, his picture, his height & weight, his home and work addresses...

i feel like i'm going to vomit looking at his picture on my laptop. his crime is "gross sexual imposition." i do a little westlaw work, and pull out the applicable statute from the state code.

basically, he's guilty of either using force or threatening force to sexually assault someone, OR using drugs or alcohol to get someone to submit to sexual contact, OR having sex with someone too old, injured, intoxicated, or insane to say no to sex, OR having sexual contact with someone under the age of 14.

so basically i feel really sad, disgusted, confused, and angry about what he's done.

of course a part of me, the part who played t-ball with B when we were 5, is thinking, "maybe he didn't know her age... maybe he didn't know she was drunk... maybe he was falsely accused," and so on.

but the rational, adult, law student part of me knows that the vast majority of people who are prosecuted and convicted of these crimes are indeed guilty, and deserve harsh punishments and the social condemnation and stigmas that go along with it.

i'm realizing that this was a really long story, so thanks to those of you who have stuck with me. it feels good to get it all out in writing, even though i'm embarrassed even to say that i know someone who has committed such a heinous crime.

so what i'm struggling with here is trying to figure out how i should handle it the next time B sends me an email or gives me a call.

i have always had the utmost contempt for sexual predators, rapists, molesters, and so on, and believe that the punishments for these crimes should be much stricter than they are. it has always killed me to read statistics that say that one out of four women are sexually assaulted in college, or that only something like five percent of rapes ever lead to convictions. to me, these facts have always pointed to just how fundamentally sick and fucked up our society has become.

yet on the other hand, i have always been able to loathe these perverts in the abstract. true, i've always viewed them as monsters, but it wasn't until last night that any of these monsters had a face.

my heart right now is telling me some conflicting things:

  1. i was wrong about B having a good heart. maybe he did once, but not now.
  2. i would be horrified to have to speak with him again, and don't want to even hear his voice. if i did, i would probably have to confront him about it.
  3. he deserves to be shunned by society. his face is on that registry for a reason.
  4. he hurt an innocent person, possibly a child. this person's life may not get put back together again because of B's actions.
  5. some people truly learn from their mistakes. maybe B learned from his. maybe he is truly sorry. but maybe he is just a sick fuck who would hurt someone else if he could get away with it.
  6. even though we've never been best friends or anything like that, i've known the guy for the better part of my life. i've also probably been one of the only people in B's life who has always rooted for him, and treated him with civility. maybe he needs a friend now more than ever before.

i could go on, but the point is that i don't know what to do. should i care about B at all, and should i value what little bit of friendship we still have? when he calls, do i pick up? when he emails, do i reply? if so, how do i handle this? do such people deserve second chances? am i a fool to hope that there is still some goodness in him?

i guess i should have paid more attention to all of that stuff dressler wrote about the different theories of punishment. anyway, i would be grateful for any advice or feedback you guys might have. thanks for listening.


i'd hate to end on a bad note like that, and fortunately i have some good news... our 10 day streak without a donation is over...

much thanks go out to the lovely person who pitched in today to our BLSforGood cause. we've now raised well over $600 for Africare. this is a major milestone, regardless of whether we reach our goal or not, so thanks again.

i'll see you all with the dozer. much love...



At 1:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn, dude. that sucks. i really don't know what i'd do in that situation.

i'm glad you mentioned that great joke from constitutional law. it was hilarious.

At 1:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could Prof. Jones's mellow attitude this morning have anything to do w/the ABA rep in the room?

If so, I propose we all recruit our moms to do walk-ins for the remaining classes...

At 3:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sucks to hear you so upset over this, M. My fear is that "B" has been preying off of your kindness for years. Anyone who has read Menlovian as long as I have can tell that your heart is in the right place. Maybe he doesn't deserve your support anymore. I don't know.

Also, don't be embarassed by knowing him. My family has a sex offender in it. What he did was also very cringe-inducing. That doesn't make my family bad people though. The fact that you know him doesn't reflect poorly on you.

At 5:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would find out what happened first. Having sex with a 12 year old is different than having drunk sex with a drunk 17 year old that may have looked 20.

At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Given your history with b, you owe it to him to hear his side of the story next time he calls. If, as the previous comment suggested, he had drunk sex with a 16 or 17 yo fat girl, its hardly fair to label b as a social predator. However, if he had sexual contact with a girl under 14, thats just straight up awful. Nevertheless, I think its important to remember that we are all human, and if any of us had grown up in b's shoes, who knows what kind of fucked up shit we might be into. It is not unreasonable to offer b your support, in the hopes that he finds a way to pick up the pices of his life, and productively move on. This support should, in any event, be carefully circumscribed. I dont suggest hanging out at parties or bars with a convicted sex offender, no matter what his story is. but, u might want to let b know that he can talk to you, that you care about what happens to him, and that you're there to offer him advice and insight into the coming chapters of his life. Ultimately, you must do what feels right. and what feels right is not something easily subjected to logical analysis.

At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is pretty good advice, but are you saying that Menlove should bring it up when B calls?

"Hey, man, long time no see. Heard you're a sex offender."

At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

M, I would like to tell you that a litle faith in your friend might do him good. But you said so yourself. These cases rarely lead to conviction. So when they do ... it doesn't look good, does it?

Also it seems like your friend has been around the block some, so it seems unlikely he was niavely duped by a 14-going-on-20 year old girl.


At 11:48 AM, Blogger Saucy Intruder said...

Yikes, Menlove. I don't know what to tell you. I know that when a (somewhat peripheral) friend of mine murdered his girlfriend in college, a whole lot of people reacted in a whole bunch of different ways.

Almost every one of them by now has no idea what's happened to him. No one talks to him anymore, or visits him. A friend of mine told me about how the last time he saw him was when he testified before the grand jury.

Shit like that really fucks you up for a while, and does it right good.

IMHO, you're completely within your rights to never speak to him again. OTOH, it's also entirely understandable to give him another chance.

Whatever you choose though, menlove, is up to you. No one can tell you how you feel about him, and how those feelings should govern your actions. But whether you choose to keep him as your friend, or walk away from him, I know that I for one completely understand your actions, and for what it's worth, menlove, I'm behind ya.

At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may be the only one who feels this way, but I think that B should burn in hell for what he did. He was guilt was proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Prosecutors don't go after borerline maybe-she-was-drunk cases; that's part of the reason why so few sexual assaults lead to convictions. But B's case was a slam dunk. He did it, and like you said, Menlove, this is a monstrous thing. Fuck him.

At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

doesn't it matter though that this guy had a pretty bad life? not that getting beat up at school and having a drunk mom means you should be allowed to go out and rape someone, but isn't there some room for compassion there?

At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a word: No.

At 2:07 PM, Blogger Saucy Intruder said...

Cutting a person off from any compassion in their life is certainly not any way to ensure that they learn to live with others appropriately.

If, as 12:44 said, he was convicted, then perhaps we should also consider that he may have been a sex offender who was sentenced in such a way that he is now amongst the general public again. Someone has to show the guy compassion. Whether or not it's Menlove, is, well, up to menlove himself, and not any of us.

At 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would just like to respond to 12:44's comment by saying that i was quite impressed by your nuance and subtlety. I too hope that b "burns in hell." I mean, after all, santa claus won't be visiting him anymore, so its clear that hes going to burn in a pit of sulfer for the rest of eternity. the bible says so, so of course it must be true. Its comforting to know that I go to a school where at least some people take the bible literally, and dont percieve any shades of gray. Furthermore, there are only 2 types of people in this world, good ones and bad ones. as 12:44 indicated, b clearly falls into the latter category. (as he is a sinner and will invariably burn in hell). therefore menlove, u should extend him no compassion whatsoever, and would be justified in tarring and feathering him

At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think the biggest issue is when you talk to him you have to find out what actually happened. Of course he could lie or totally slant it his way, but the statute covers a lot of situations. Sex with someone under 14, getting someone drunk or giving them drugs so the pass out, etc is totally horrible. But i could see senerios where its not really as bad- what if he got a 17 year old girl pregnant her parents freak out she tells them how they do drugs together- parents hate him- press charges. All i'm saying is it def could be real horrible but you don't know till you find out the situation.

At 4:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of similar to the Megan's law cases from New Jersey, where communities are allowed to keep out registered sex offenders. We all talk about how much we love the constitution in class, second chances and yada yada, but what happens when Michael Skakel moves into your back yard?

Menlove, I wouldn't let your little sister play at his house, but otherwise, I'd say swallow hard and pick up the phone. At least just to hear what he has to say.

At 7:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

asking what happened is fine, but i wouldn't expect the truth. regardless, from the tone of your story, it didn't sound like you were too surprised about how this B's life turned out. shocked? most certainly, but it sounds like this guy was definitely headed down the wrong path for a long time. that being said, i'd highly doubt this was a drunk 17 year old whose parents flipped out.

this guy definitely needs some help. if you choose to be the guy to offer it, i commend you on your character! i'm no psychologist, but i'd say that it sounds like this is a lonely guy who didn't feel too much love throughout his life. perhaps someone who cares about him is what he really needs?

and i just can't help myself but respond to the almighty prosecutor, a.k.a. anon@12:44. like it or not, this guy committed a crime that isn't going to put him behind bars for very long if at all. the very fact that he's on the registered sex offender list means that he is back on the streets. i agree that B quite possibly continues to pose a threat to society, but the only thing that can be done about that is for him to get some help. i'm sure you wish we could stick him on the electric chair, or maybe even the guillotine, but it ain't gonna happen. i'd rather rehabilitate...

At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One day a scorpion approached a frog along a river bank.
The scorpion asked, "Froggie, please give me a ride across this wide river."
The frog responded, "I would be a fool to do that. You will sting and paralyze me."
Said the scorpion, "Ridiculous! If I stung you then we would both drown."
Trusting the scorpion's logic the frog agreed and allowed the scorpion onto his back as he swam out into the river.
In the middle of the river the scorpion stung the frog.
As the frog convulsed from the scorpion sting and began to slip beneath the waters he looked back at the scorpion and said, "Why? Why?"
The scorpion answered, "Because I am a scorpion, and it is my nature."

A sex offender is a scorpion.
Some deeds are only for God to forgive.

At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A sex offender may very well be a scorpion, but that does not mean you should not help him. B seems like a guy desperatley in need of some compassion and understanding, and so I respond the above parable with one from the Bhudda, also involving a scorpion.

One morning, after he had finished his meditation, the old man opened his eyes and saw a scorpion floating helplessly in the water. As the scorpion was washed closer to the tree, the old man quickly stretched himself out on one of the long
roots that branched out into the river and reached out to rescue the drowning creature. As soon as he touched it, the scorpion stung him. Instinctively the man withdrew his hand. A minute later, after he had regained his balance, he
stretched himself out again on the roots to save the scorpion. This time the scorpion stung him so badly with its poisonous tail that his hand became swollen and bloody and his face contorted with pain.

At that moment, a passerby saw the old man stretched out on the roots struggling with the scorpion and shouted: "Hey, stupid old man, what's wrong with you? Only a fool would risk his life for the sake of an ugly, evil creature. Don't you
know you could kill yourself trying to save that ungrateful scorpion?"

The old man turned his head. Looking into the stranger's eyes he said calmly, "My friend, just because it is the scorpion's nature to sting, that does not change my nature to save."

- The old man of course ultiumatley reached enlightenment as with all of Bhudda's protagonists - so if you don't help him for his sake, perhaps you should consider doing it for your own.

At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My 2 cents... Until I got to the end of the story, I thought your friend was going to wind up in jail or dead from an overdose. I think the question you have to ask yourself is what do you want from B? A childhood friendship is one thing, but it sounds like there's not much there right now, even before finding out about the registered sex offender status. Sometimes closing a chapter isn't such a bad thing, and if that's your guy instinct (it sounds like it is) than don't feel like you owe him anything. The point is: it's about what you want and feel you need to get out of relationship/friendship.

At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What we have hear is a failure to communicate...some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week. Which is the way he wants it. I don't like it any more than you men.

Luke said that.

At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops, some speling mistaks (and left out a line). Corrected version:

"What we have here is a failure to communicate...some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week. Which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men."

The CAPTAIN said that.


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