Sunday, November 07, 2004

tony's got juice

the servers have also been a bit menlovian over the last several days, and i have not been able to post anything for awhile. regardless, it's good to be back, and i must say that i've been loving the responses on the boards as of late.

first of all, thanks to the person who recorded big T's immortal S&M remark for all of us. seems like tony's been on a roll ever since we started assault and battery. other memorable comments from last week included a great little nugget about "swinging both ways," as well as the stunning revelation that he gets to enjoy a nice glass of wine at the barber shop. how sweet is that?

i love the idea of sebok sucking down a few glasses as his curly locks hit the floor. speaking of the most famous hair at BLS, the coiffure has been a bit unruly as of late, no?

second, to the person who got "spotted" bringing glannon into the bathroom, keep your head high. there's nothing wrong with taking shit seriously, especially with exams just around the corner. my dumb ass usually reads comic books in the bathroom, so you're light years ahead of me.

though i must say that my favorite commentary over the weekend was posted anonymously (and repeatedly - four times!) in response to my last post. whoever you are... i feel your pain, and respect your decision to put down the books and to rent some porn instead. perhaps in your future responses you could share some reviews and recommendations of the films you've most enjoyed.

finally, to the person who kicked my ass on the helicopter game, know that i'm training hard to recapture the title. every minute you spend studying for crim, i'll be getting stronger, honing my piloting skills, and creeping ever closer to your mark. it is only a matter of time...

anyway, good luck everyone on what will undoubtedly prove to be an incredibly shitty week. exams are right around the corner, the legal writing assignment will be upon us momentarily, outlines should have been started weeks ago, and our professors are unrelenting with the reading assignments. basically, the month of november is going to suck in about twelve different ways.

i'll try to keep the mood light this week with some time-saving tips which will prove to be utterly worthless, a torts hypo that will in no way extend your understanding of the law, and an earth-shattering piece of investigatory reporting into the secret lives of zipursky and goldberg which will in no way be rooted in anything even remotely resembling the truth.


At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, Menlove, you asked, so...I don't actually rent porn (anymore). With the advent of the internet, I go with the free stuff. Granted, it can be frustrating because most free online videos only give you about 10-30 seconds of action which is hardly enough time to...that being said, I find good pics at (LOVE the lesbian section).

At 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

as far as, i personally prefer the slap the monkey game. we should all play that in crim, and turn the volume up so all pitler hears is the smacking noise.


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