Friday, April 22, 2005

best of BLS

the end of the year is upon us, and it's time once again to hand out the first (and last) annual "best of BLS" awards. these awards seek to recognize those people, things and moments that have contributed to make this, our 1L year at BLS, particularly memorable and intermittently wonderful.

though the categories are ridiculous, and the selection process was far from democratic, i hope you'll enjoy the best that BLS has to offer!

i'll start with the obvious topic:

best professor of the year: this was a close competition. after synthesizing the opinions i've gleaned based on what you've posted on the boards, what you've told me in class, my own impressions, etc., i am very proud to announce that the best of BLS award for 2004-2005 goes to professor norman poser. poser's an all-around great guy who cares about our success, who injects just the right amount of humor and life into an otherwise dry subject, and who serves up his lessons in well-planned and easily-digestible bite sized chunks. also, he's a pimp. basically, i like this guy so much that i wish he was my grandpa. that way, i could sit on his lap and have him tell me stories about when he was a boy growing up in england. then he would tousle my hair, and give me a nickel to go buy some ice cream. ok, that was a little gay. anyway, congratulations to professor poser!

runners up: professor anthony sebok, professor nan hunter, professor otis dixobig

best place for a late afternoon canoodle with your special lady: sometimes it's easiest to be hidden while in plain sight. this award goes to rooms 505 and 605, two classrooms that are rarely used for actual classes. the weird mini-hallway entrance arrangement gives young lovers five seconds to stuff their junk back into their clothing in case of any third-party intrusions. plus, the center table in these rooms makes a mighty fine alter upon which sacrafices to Eros may be, um, laid. add to it all an abundance of natural sunlight which filters into the room to illuminate the wild gyrations of young bodies in heat, and you've got yourself a fine place for a late afternoon canoodle!

runners up: the ohio digests, on the floor in the back of the moot court room between rows of seats.

best bet for lunch at school: this one was another close call, but the best of BLS award goes to a very special panini called the brooklyn barrister. this hot concoction consists of mounds of gooey mozzarella, sliced and breaded chicken breast, and tons of sweet tomato sauce, all sandwiched between two grilled pieces of pita. it's a consistent crowd-pleaser, and when paired with its good friend the kosher dill, it's sure to fill your stomach in style. here's to you, brooklyn barrister!

runners up: the all-day omelette bar, back-to-back cigarettes out front

(did you know: "panini" is actually plural? the singular form is panino. now you know, and knowing is half the battle.)

dirtiest sounding legal term: no contest on this one... the winner is "fraud in the factum." to me, the word "factum" sounds like the bastard love child of the words "fucked" and "rectum" - two words which, incidentally, have always gone great together. throw "fraud" into the mix, and you've got yourself what sounds like a backdoor entry gained through wily deceit. that door's exit only, baby!!!

runners up: penal offense, pro bono (how could you be anti, really?), class action (see rooms 505 and 605, supra), dictum, cum-guzzling felcher (discussed fully in UCC 2-208)

best place to sit in class so as not to be called on: strangely enough, front and center seems to be the safest spot in the room.

most annoying thing to type fifty times in my notes: hands down: "Rule 12(b)(6)"

runners up: "second-party beneficiary," "restatement (third) of torts" (who the fuck is still using the first edition???)

best (and by best i mean worst) exam of the year: well, we've only had four thus far, and hopefully today's winner will not be supplanted by any that await us in the next few weeks, but the award goes to pitler's crim law exam!! this four hour doozie featured such a memorable cast of characters: some dude driving around in his skivvies, cocaine (and fake cocaine!), kids named poker and dice, and a massive blood-bath in a grocery store. really just a treat to read and think about. plus, there were four massive, sprawling questions coupled with a 4,000 word limit, which turned out to be a fairly lethal combo. finally, who could ever forget question four, which involved a sexy-as-hell, late-night, drunken hermaphroditic gorge-side romp, with possible erotic asphyxiation undertones!!?!! and the question itself was repeated from the previous year's exam!!! kudos, professor pitler.

best BLS staff member: this was another close call, but in a squeaker, the winner is the cafeteria check-out girl with the huge earrings!! though i don't know her name, she's made me love her by calling me "sweetie" every day as she hands me my food. that's what mom used to do too, but mom never looked so damn good doing it...

runners up: the asian guy who helps poser with the A-V stuff (dude keeps his shit tight!), the manager of the bookstore (very helpful, and thanks you by your name when you use a credit card, even if you're just buying a snickers bar), the entire security staff (good guys to joke around with, though i have a foolproof method for circumventing their security checkpoint when i forget my ID: hold up a cool ranch dorito as you walk by. the guards evidently find them to be indistinguisihable from a real ID. or just walking by them without establishing eye contact seems to work as well.)

text i read really, really closely that i instead should have used as a doorstop: you all know where i'm going with this one... the winner is the buffalo creek disaster. simply put, two hundred pages of pure and utter horse shit that did nothing to expand my understanding of the law. seriously, a better assigment to prepare us for civil procedure would have been to have us watch the entire third season of Night Court.

runner up: a student's guide to estates in land and future interests (might have been worthwhile if they'd used a bigger font), dressler's understanding criminal law (might have had a point if we hadn't already bought an unabridged version of the exact same book by the exact same author only in hardcover. )

funniest student line of the year: this was a really tough one to figure out. we've got so many funny motherfuckers in sections 7, 8, and 9. however, the more i think about it, the more i keep coming back to one which i am proud to announce as our winner: scott chait's immortal words, "i'm not a lawyer in the bedroom." i'll never forget that one. thanks, scott, and congrats.

anyway, i could go on, but it's past one a.m., and i've got to get back to the outlining bullshit. i wanted to give out awards for the following categories:
  • most enjoyable / memorable case of the year
  • most confusing thing we studied
  • funniest line by a professor
  • shittiest 1L rite of passage

if any of you care to give out awards for these categories, or if you've got categories of your own, or if you'd like to disagree with any of my choices, please share your ideas - serious and otherwise - on the message board. lord knows we'll all need some pleasant distractions in the days ahead.

did you enjoy the best of BLS? i hope so. i enjoyed writing it. thanks for reading, and have a great weekend.




back to menlove's greatest hits


At 1:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laughs and memories, Big M, you deserve some sort of award as well.

My vote for best case of the year has to go to McGuiggan from torts class. I'll never forget that kid vomiting out the car window and slamming his head like that. ROCK AND ROLL!

At 2:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny stuff, and you're right about the brooklyn barrister, it is fatty and delicious. Still, I think that Ryan might have had the funniest line last week when he asked Robyn to slide him the OJ.

At 3:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my two cents:

the most confusing thing we studied: issue & claim preclusion during first semester civ pro.

shittiest 1L rite of passage: i was going to say the blue book exam, but on second thought, i'm going to say that today, friday the 22nd will be the shittiest rite of passage: waiting for a phonecall telling us we've made moot court. to be more precise, waiting for a call that never comes.

At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most memorable case (so memorable that I can't remember the name) was that one in Pitler's Crim Law with the fighting couple where she kept going "What are you gonna do?!?!? What are you gonna do?!?!?!" And then the case is like, "What he DID was stab her in the throat." Or something terrible like that.

At 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pitler's re-enactment was not funny. It was gross and traumatizing. Everytime I think about it I need to take a shower. Not in an will-you-wash-my-back kind of way, but a dear-god-somebody-hold-me kind of way.

Hella seems to be a funny guy. I always hear people laughing in his class, but never paid attention long enough to hear what he said.

Best place to get it on? Menlove did good with rooms 505 and 605, but missed the ultra-secluded 720M, moot court room, way way upperlevel staircases, back-hallway bathrooms on 7...also good are study rooms on 2M, the library basement...pretty much anywhere if you time it right.

Not that I...I would never...

At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone get a moot court phone call yet???

At 1:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No phone call yet. This is freakin torture. I bet they're waiting 'til 4:50 to make the calls. Which would suck.

At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the calls are going out right now.

At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i somehow picture people saying "they are starting to call" when he or she has no idea if they are really calling or not.

At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i got my call about 30 minutes ago (it's now 2:43), and my friend was called about 10 minutes ago.

At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

im goin insane waiting.... ACK! Someone know how many people out of the 120 or so that made it on to round two make the final cut?

At 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Approx. 33% for around 40 total.

At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For trial ad, I believe 225 people tried out for 40 spots.

At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you some kind of MC authority or speculating?

At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

do we know if they are done calling already??? i'm going crazy

At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are they going in order by section?

At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give it up peeps - its over.

I havent gotten my call but I think they have called everyone.

No they are not goin by section as section number has nothing to do w/ the 2nd round.

I say - fuck 'em
(unless they call)

If anyone got a call past 3 or 3:15 please say so.
but its over

At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. this conversation is moot.

At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a call. From my grandmother.

At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, I'm glad we got feedback instead of not knowing why we were rejected. They're things to work on for the future.

But I think the whole process could have been made much smoother. Two things struck me off the bat- for people who wanted to do trial ad, we coudl have found out about that earlier, so we wouldn't have to put so much effort into the moot court bit. Also, there could have been more advice on the second round -- It seems like many of us got cold benches-- and we had no heads-up about that.

At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just have a problem with the fact that is so subjective. i mean, by nature i guess it has to be subjective but there must be some other way to do grade us. it's frustrating when one judge says you're amazing and the other judge says you suck

At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really wanted to do trial ad and I didn't make it. If my trial ad would have gone like my moot court one went I think I definitely would have been invited. That sucks. Oh well.

At 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how do you know that you did not make trial ad??

At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wouldn't get so down on the process. it's not as subjective as you think. the judges are instructed on how to evaluate you. they may have differing opinions to some extent, but it's not exactly american idol. if you're gonna complain, perhaps, the thing to complain about is that this all occurred so close to finals. and if you made it to the second round, you should be happy about that. not all of us made it that far...

also, i heard that another section had some mixup, and people were told they made it to the second round that did not, and vice-versa. imagine being caught up in that mess?

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relax, everybody. You won't look back on this whole thing when you're a 40-year-old lawyer and say, "Damn. I'd be so much happier if I'd made moot court during 1L." In fact, at that point, someone who is valedictorian/Law Review Editor-in-Chief/moot court national champion will be every bit as satisfied in life as the guy who spends class time jerking off in 720M and taking bong hits as he feels the warm jizz swimming off his hand. Relax. Jerk off and take bong hits in 720M. Otherwise, even though you might really improve your chances of success in life by moping about the moot court process, you'll still be sexually frustrated and not high.

At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have a problem with judges judging you based on how they feel you did? welcome to the law - cases are won or lost on this.

don't be an ass just because you didn't get on. a lot of us didn't get on.

At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

soo...who made it?

At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

trial ad invites went out via phone call this afternoon as well.

i say fuck 'em all. menlove, your entry really helped cheer up an otherwise shitty week of law school. i'm glad i wasn't the only one who thought that "fraud in the factum" sounded vaguely dirty.

this isn't one of your cateories, but i think that the award for WORST case of the year has to go to that one from crim law where the baby got a tooth infection and the parents let it die instead of taking it to the hospital.

the funniest professor line was sebok on the subway:

"hey man, RESPECT!" that was classic. also, what about the moment when the bokker dramatized Palsgraf? that deserves some sort of award.

At 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, who made it? post if you know!

At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck that loser shit. go ask 'em yourself if you care so much.

by the way, i made it, but i'm not telling you who i am. beeyotch!

At 5:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, get over yourself, 5:44. i was just curious. besides i'm not around to ask. otherwise i would, dipshit.

At 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excercises like preparing for moot court trials at the expense of my other courses, and then getting stood up like an ugly prom date are slowly killing away the part of me that would not defend a tobacco company.
So when the company I represent starts making designer babies ,creates a market in human organs, or destroys a geological landmark to make a strip mall: think of how close moot court 2nd rounds were to finals, and cease to wonder why anyone could be so heartless.

At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry 5:50, didn't mean to be an a-hole.

At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The following people DEFINITELY made it on to moot court...

An acquaintance of Anon@2:36pm
A friend of Anon@2:43pm

Are you happy?

At 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so much obsession over moot court. its disgusting. either you got a call or you didn't. no need to stare at your phone for hours and hours at a time. and for those who keep complaining about the process of moot court and are likely to complain about the journal entry process and probably complain about grades all the time................ GROW UP. welcome to the real world

on a better note- great post about bong hits on the 7th floor but way too descriptive about jerking off.

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh for fuck's sake, 6:09.

when did curiousity become the scourge of mankind?!?!?!

i am NOT on moot court. my oral skillz shall only be seen by my boyfriend.

i just was asking if anybody knew who had made it. i don't see why your panties are in a bunch.

5:44 p.m.

At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOPS! sorry for the above post, 6:09 i thought i was 5:44. didn't mean to get MY panties in a bunch.

guess this is why people like me should actually sign up with names.


At 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I see that BLS for good site has not been updated in several days. This leads me to believe that either (1) Menlove is being lazy and not updating it; or (2) no one is donating. I think that it's likely the latter, because when I made my donation, Menlove had it online within a few hours.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to be pissed off and let down if I never find out who Menlove is. Plus, I think the idea of having "BLS" on Africare's lifetime member wall would be cool. I don't have any more money to give.

Here is my request: Menlove, if you haven't updated the site, please do so. Quit being so lazy. Everyone else who reads Menlovian, give a dollar or twenty or SOMETHING! Surely you're derived a dollar's worth of pleasure from the eight months of menlovian you've been reading.

Yes, I'm also pissed about Moot Court. Menlove, this entry cheered me up too. Funny stuff.

At 2:44 AM, Blogger menlove said...

8:46 p.m.- BLSforGood is updated, and has been all week. In other words, there's been nothing to update.

congrats to whoever wrote about his escapades in 720m. i didn't even know the room existed. next time you're pulling bong rips up there, give old menlove a ring. but if you plan on filling your hands with warm DNA samples, i'm gonna have to let you fly solo on that mission. either way, thanks for making me laugh with your post.

At 4:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

M, I've been working on my outline now for awhile, but have yet to come across anything in the UCC about "cum-guzzling felchers." Perhaps your knowledge of K law has exceeded that of your clasmates.

At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me what the last case is that we have to do for contracts... The LAST one we are responsible for this semester. I am away from my syllabus right now and I think I am nearing the end but I don't want to over-read because that would be TERRIBLE.

At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

please tell me that other people are still working their way through outlines, and that i'm not the only one who hasn't finished a single one. (at least they're all started, dammit).

At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have only started one outline so far.

At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a little halfway through contracts and haven't started anything else

At 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Tech-Support Caste Arises In India
NEW DELHI—Thanks to widespread outsourcing of telephone-service jobs, a sixth caste has blossomed in India: the Khidakayas, a mid-level jati made up of technical-support workers. "I am happy to be a Khidakaya," said technical-support agent Ranji Prasat, who speaks English with a flawless American accent and goes by the name "Ron" at work. "While we rank below members of the reigning order, those of us responsible for helping Americans track their online purchases and change their account PINs share many privileges not enjoyed by the merchant class below us." Prasat said he expects to marry another tech-support worker.

At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was from The Onion, not from me...

At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't started any outlines yet.

At 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i started property outline today... i want to kill myself.

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say, I'm having a newfound appreciation for Beryl. At least she just gave us just 1-2 cases/subject-- as opposed to Poser and his 20 cases/subject.

At 2:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Menlove, that was a great entry except that you messed up and left out the REAL dirtiest sounding legal term:


At 3:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think these are all the moot court members for both trial ad and appellate ad.

"'Aaron Garfield'"
"'Aaron Warshaw'"
"'Aimee Schultz'"
"'Alex Young-Anglim'"
"'Alicia Brooks'"
"'Althea Bender'"
"'Amanda Rogers'"
"'Ami Sheth'"
"'Amit Soni'"
"'Andria Bouskos'"
"'Ariel Weinstock'"
"'Benjamin Battles'
"'Benjamin Brust'"
"'Benjamin Moore'"
"'Brian Redding'"
"'Caren Rotblatt'"
"'Carla Cheung'"
"'Chris Brancati'"
"'Chris Gunn'"
"'Christine Creamer'"
"'Christopher Prior'"
"'Colleen Harp'"
"'Damani Sims'"
"'David Barash'"
"'David Kaye'"
"'Demian Ordway'"
"'Eileen Park'"
"'Elizabeth Moehle'"
"'Emily Favre'"
"'Gregg Pinto'"
"'J. Alex Dalessio'"
"'Jackie Debs'"
"'Jason Parsont'"
"'Jed Friedman'"
"'Jennifer McGovern'"
"'Jessica Gary'"
"'Jessica Kastner'"
"'Jessica Poropat'"
"'John Mattoon'"
"'John O'Callaghan'"
"'Joshua Urist'"
"'Julie Shaw'"
"'Keri Bruce'"
"'Kirstin Mitchell'"
"'Krista Friedrich'"
"'Laura Cohen'"
"'Lauren McEvoy'"
"'Leah Wiederhorn'"
"'Lee Jacobs'"
"'Leila Rosini'"
"'Lishani Senaratne'"
"'Maria Fedor'"
"'Mark Antar'"
"'Mark Legaspi'"
"'Matt Pek'"
"'Matthew Accardo'"
"'Meghan Towers'"
"'Michael Bell'"
"'Michael Blatchley'"
"'Michael Pasinkoff'"
"'Michael Weitman'"
"'Micheal Rothenberg'"
"'Nora Christenson'"
"'Paul Yakulis'"
"'Peter Scoolidge'"
"'Philip Frank'"
"'Rachel Levine'"
"'Sabrina Thanse'"
"'Sarah Siegel'"
"'Scott Chait'"
"'Scott Eckert'"
"'Seth Feldman'"
"'Steven H. Tsang'"
"'Talat Kayar'"
"'Terri Rosenblatt'"
"'Thomas Welling'"
"'Tim Russo'"
"'Valentina Shaknes'"
"'Verley Brown'"
"'Virginia Nimick'"

At 10:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


so which one of those on the list is you? that list is only available to those ON the list. why do you need to publish it for all to see?

At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

in a less bitter spirit than the person before me, congratulations to everyone who made moot court.

At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those names would end up being common knowledge one way or another. BLS publishes them each year on the school home page. To answer your question, my name is not on the list.

At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks to the person who posted the list... it's almost more interesting to see who's NOT on the list than to see who is...

At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am SHOCKED at who made it. i seriously dont know what the judges were thinking.

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Nobody ever promised you that life would be fair. (at least they should not have)

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it would appear that some of the judges were very horny.

At 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, if people are this bitter about moot court, they'll be REALLY pissed when journal results and class rankings come out.

At 2:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that most of the people who made the list deserve to be there. The ones from my section at least, all come across very well when they speak.

At 5:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am amazed that some people have the gall to voice their bitterness over the results (See: "I am shocked...I really don't know what the judges were thinking." at 1:40pm). We should all be congratulatory to those talented enough to have made either division of Moot Court. There is nothing to be gained by criticising the choice of the judges simply because you, for whatever reason, were not chosen.
What is most appalling is not that certain people were selected, but that certain others--youself included, 1:40--are so terribly self-aggrandizing and egotistical as to second-guess the judges' decisionmaking.

At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:14, I see some of the people there, and I myself am shocked. Persons neither erudite, nor in my opinion, smart, were chosen over other persons who were on the second round list that I feel were much better speakers, and would be much better lawyers.

I myself was not chosen for even the second round, but just from what I saw in the second round, I am surprised at those who made it vs. those who didn't.

So I am bitter, and I was not chosen, but I am bitter on behalf of those people who made it closer than I did.

At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you use the word erudite during the try-out? That might offer some explanations...

At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, 5:21, you weren't a judge. you don't know what those people's brief grades looked like, nor do you have any idea how they argued.

there's no reason to throw shit at people who you think shouldn't have made it except to make yourself feel better, and frankly, that's a crap ass attitude. we're all in this awful race together, and the very nature of the institution pits us against one another enough without us taking each other down.

there are a few people who feel the need to talk smack about others, and it baffles me how rational adults can make these kinds of judgments. i don't mean, "look at her shirt! isn't it awful?" stuff - we all do that. it's the "she's stupid and undeserving of her success" - it builds a false sense of accomplishment or self-righteousness at the expense of someone else. and it just makes you look like a jerk to me, and doesn't reflect at all on those people whom you, who weren't offered a spot on moot court, have deemed not to be "erudite." suck it up and shut up.

At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is hilarious. first of all, who cares? good for the people who made it. second of all, have you not learned by now that the people who everyone "thinks" are so intelligent more often than not aren't getting the best grades or achieving the most? not everybody's motivation is to let their whole class know exactly how smart they are

At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you expect any less than quibbling?
We are all (at least the ones not weathly enough to care) Bloodthirstly compettive and all can turn a set of facts into silly puddy to fit whichever side we want to be correct (or are hopefull going to be paid to prove is correct). We all wanted to win, the ones who made it believe that their victory was inevitable, the rest find the weakness in the system (judges)or participants ('the judges must have been horny') and sleep knowing that they are still the best. I can tell you that I jumped as high as I could and failed to grasp the brass ring. However, that does not mean that I have to like it.

At 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just for old time's sake, I've got to ask: What the hell is our homework for tomorrow?

What pages in the property workbook is beryl going to cover?

Did hella finish the assigned material on wednesday, and will tomorrow just be review? Or do we need to prepare material?

Thanks, and I promise I'll never ask again.

At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we have nothing for con law (i dont think). for property i have no idea but i think she's probably going to do the rule against perpetuities, b/c we havent gotten there yet.

At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about contracts???

At 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

contract HW is just the last section on the syllabus, 904-27

At 8:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just squirted shits all over myself.

At 9:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm...menlove has been strangely silent...indication that he is jewish perhaps?

At 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

which is the special professor?

At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I squirted shit balls into someone's mouth and ate a moth.

At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 10:37 = douche bag


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