Wednesday, April 20, 2005

think like a lawyer

oh, how glorious it was to see the white smoke soar into the sky today! bong hits can truly be a thing of beauty. (see what i did there? you probably thought i was talking about the pope, but i flipped it on you. i'm such a loser.)

seriously, i didn't smoke any pot today, although when i was in college, april 20th was like a weed-smoking holiday for some folks. why is that?

is anyone else a little bit surprised by how many of our classmates use drugs on a fairly regular basis? i've met at least five or six classmates this year who have told me that they get high "pretty much every day." i definitely know of a few people who have come to class stoned as well.

(i could understand the appeal - in theory - of going to, say, civil procedure while high, since you don't have to worry about getting called on, and the class is short enough that you might not get too antsy, and also because if you're really baked, gora would probably be pretty funny with all his subtle jokes and innuendos. however, if i were to go to property class while high, i'd be absolutely terrified. i think i'd probably have a panic attack.)

plus, i'm pretty sure that a fair amount of coke is going up the noses of certain members of the BLS student body... not that there's anything wrong with that, but where do these kids get the money? then there are those who basically drink themselves to sleep every night, whether in bars or at home in their apartments. this activity seems to become increasingly popular as exams get nearer.

anyway, that's neither here nor there. it's just something that intrigues me. i guess if you can balance your law studies, your social life, and a drug habit, more power to you.

i'm going to keep this short tonight, partly because nothing too interesting went on in class today. either that, or i'm so emotionally deadened to the world after a year of law school that i have lost the capacity to feel anything anymore. let's hope it's the former.

by the way, what the hell is a shirting?

so i was thinking about how back in july i was always looking at these books and websites about how to succeed in law school. one thing i remember was that a lot of them said that after a few months of school, i'd surely learn how to "think like a lawyer."

i guess i'm sort of wondering what this phrase means, and whether any of you feel like you're starting to think like lawyers, or if you're thinking differently at all.

i'm not sure if i've begun thinking like a lawyer or not. in a sense, i guess i have, since i can now read a case in 20 minutes that would've taken me an hour back in september. but really, this is pretty much because i now know what words like mandamus and penumbra mean, and i don't have to go running to the law dictionary every other sentence.

but is this all there is to thinking like a lawyer? vocabulary? certainly there's something else.

the other day i was watching this thing on 60 minutes about parents who let their under-age kids get drunk with their friends at home under their supervision. they talked all about the ethical and social aspects of the issue, but the thing that struck me the most was how none of the parents seemed to be worried about the tremendous liability they were creating for themselves if a friend of their child got hurt or whatever.

so then is that what it means to think like a lawyer, to think about tony's torts exam every time i poke my head out to peer around a delivery truck double parked on the street? or to think about how the UCC applies to the claims made on the a bag of doritos?

any input would be much appreciated. especially from adam ness, elisha cuthbert, and evan wagowski... i treasure your opinions above all else.

later taters,



At 2:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

she's fine as hell. so are evan and adam.

At 4:07 AM, Blogger Saucy Intruder said...

Back in the early days, there was a holiday known as: CLINIC APPLICATIONS ARE DUE DAY. Falling on April 20th each year, it made hundreds of Brooklyn Law Students tremble.

As the years wore on, the yearly ritual of turning in clinic applications followed by bong hits became a tradition that couldn't be denied.

After decades of law students wore holes through the sod of Washington Square Park, it was finally paved over, and the students returned to Brooklyn.

But seriously. Stoner lore says that the California Penal Code Section 420 was the code for marijuana use ("Dispatch, we have a 420 in progress"). Whether or not this was true originally, the penal code has been revised (I'm not going to figure out when, if you're all that interested Lexis it yourself), and the irony is now that Sec. 420 is now about restricting access to public lands.

Bonus points to anyone who can find out (through legally verifiable sources) whether Sec. 420 ever actually was the section about marijuana usage, or just other illegal substances.

At 4:09 AM, Blogger Saucy Intruder said...

Oh yeah. I forgot to expand on the irony. So now the only way you'll have a 420 violation is if you congregate illegally (for instance blocking Washington Square Park off for a day of smoking pot... provided you don't have a permit... and provided that washington square park somehow gets transported to California).

At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to go off-topic here, but i thought this article might be of interest to some of the readers here. it's an article regarding judicial activism, and it even touches on some of the 14th amendment issues we've been covering in conlaw. i think it's a good read, but it may oversimplify constitutional analysis to us law students. but hey, all the people who read the nytimes are not such well-seasoned constitutional scholars such as ourselves.

At 1:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why alcholism? Because every day of law school is a long day's journey into night

At 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is no one named elisha cuthbert in our class. i just checked the facebook.

At 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

let's steal back the tea we bought nan and give whatever's left to the dozer.

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Saucy Intruder said...

I say we get Gora a parrot that says:

"Nuts to you get off my land!"


"Sauce for the goose, Sauce for the gander!"

"International Shoe!"

At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

let's get him one of those hedy lamarr noses.

At 5:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, I'd rather buy medicine and build orphanages for children in Africa than buy any more tea for our professors.

Although a laparotomy pad always makes a nice stuffing stuffer.

The point is, DONATE!!!

At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today I was trying to print something on the 3rd floor when one of the tours of prospective students comes through and the tour guide says, "...and one of the unique things at Brooklyn Law School is that you can print anything for free" and at that exact moment one of the printers crapped out and I had to work very very hard to not say "yeah when they work." So, for today at least, I did the right thing to represent our happy little hayrick.


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