people, we have been through a lot this year...
we've spent hundreds of hours in class, and even more hours in the library. we've spent hundreds of dollars on books, and after paying tuition, have put ourselves tens of thousands of dollars into debt. we've taken eight exams, a blue book quiz, and written a client letter, a memo about some crazy chick with a paintbrush, and a brief about an even crazier chick who just wanted to return her nutrients to the earth.
lord knows, we've been through a lot.
we've read every kind of case imaginable, and sometimes we've been called on to show what we've learned. gora, poser and nan handled us gently. sebok had us doing mental gymnastics. and pitler hit us with all the subtlety of a socratic shotgun.
we've had pointless scavenger hunts in the library, and tedious scavenger hunts in the westlaw lab.
and let's not forget the moot court tryouts. some of us were so good, we had to do it twice. others of us were even dumb enough to sweat through an additional trial ad tryout.
man, did we put ourselves through a lot.
we worked into the wee hours of the night. as the rest of the city slumbered, we wrestled with the commerce clause and the dormant commerce clause, utilitarianism and retributivism, claim preclusion and issue preclusion, proximate cause and but-for cause, IRAC and CRAC and IRA and IRAP, the statute of limitations and the statute of frauds, the FRCP, USC, & UCC, reversions and remainders, impleaders and interpleaders. apparently, there was even some sort of capability problem in contract law, though i still am not sure what that's all about.
hell yeah, we've gone through a lot.
the crazy-ass time crunch during question #4 on an exam. the late nights worrying about class rank and summer jobs and whether there would be a "+" or a "-" next to a class grade. entire weekends spent outlining, and i'm talking about beautiful, sunny weekends where you can hear the children laughing and playing outside. long train rides with sullivan & gunther on our backs. calculating how many more classes until we were on call. realizing that we've only got two minutes left to proofread an entire exam, or discovering, to our horror, that beryl was working her way down our row, and we're next.
people, we've been through a lot. it was enough to shatter the soul of a lesser man or woman. yet somehow we have survived. they threw everything they had at us, yet we are still standing: exhausted, bruised and battered, but somehow even stronger, smarter, and tougher than before.
congratulations to all my fellow 1L's for surviving one of the toughest rites of passage imaginable...
we made it through a year of law school!
i hope that everyone will be out in full force tonight, this weekend, and all summer. it's obvious that next year could very well be even tougher than this one, so let's live it up while we can.
so now it's time to get down, to wang chung, to shake our groove thangs, or perhaps even to rock out with our cocks out (or with our vaginas out, as the case may be).
i'll see you all at union bar tonight. it should be a night to remember, or at least to struggle to remember. the first round's on me...
before i go take my pre-celebration disco nap, i just want to give a quick update on the state of menlovian.
you all should pretty much figure that i won't be revealing my identity until the day after our final grade is posted. until then, feel free to keep floating your theories around on the message board. i enjoy it very much. it makes me feel all tingly in my swimsuit areas.
and to anyone who believes that they have figured me out beyond a reasonable doubt, shoot me an email at menloveBLS@hotmail.com, and tell me who you think i am. if you're right, i may give you special mention in the final entry, credit where credit is due, and all that.
speaking of the final farewell menlovian entry, since you guys went the extra mile, and gave so generously to BLSforGood, i want to make sure you get your money's worth out of the final blog.
as i've mentioned before, in the final entry, i'll be answering questions such as: how did i publicize menlovian without giving away my identity? what sneaky subterfuge did i employ to maintain my anonymity? which two professors very nearly blew my cover during class? which of my classmates came closest to figuring out who i am? is there really a princess strawberry margarita, and if so, who is she? who are the truly wonderful people i've gotten to know this year? am i really so crazy about the cosby show? what actually goes on in the 8th floor men's room? who is the person (or perhaps the people) whom i've already told about my identity? and finally, of course, who is menlove?
however, you all deserve the best entry i can write, so what i want to know is what you'd like to see me talk about in those final lines. i'm will to share almost anything, within reason, so let me know what you's enjoy reading about, and i'll do my best to oblige.
you probably won't hear from me too much between now and then. i'll likely write a little somehthing after the law review competition, and maybe the occasional hello or random update, but otherwise, it's pretty much finished!
i think i just had my first actual sigh of relief since august! it's over!! it's fucking over!!!!
you guys rule, and i hope that everyone feels as relieved, exhilerated and proud as i do right now. see you tonight, and hopefully i'll be seeing you all summer.
much love,
Prof. Pinto's contracts grades are up.
Thanks for a great year Papa M...
Here's what I want to know in your final blog:
-Do you really have a female co-conspirator who helps you write your blogs?
-If you had to hook up with a guy in our class who would it be? Hey man, you said anything within reason!
Are you really a cosby show fanatic, or is that just part of your shtick?
I would just like to swear before all who will no doubt accuse me: I did NOT write the previous entry. Thank you! good night.
All time favorite Menlove monent:
Your "interview" with Rehnquist.
to this day I cannot hug someone without seeing the chief justice tracing lazy circles on your back
Did robyn put the rewrites out?
I got an email from Prof. Schneider today. She has a virus, and our rewrites will be available on Tuesday.
What happened to the idea of a Menlove coming out party at a bar? I know it's not your style, Menlove, but it could be such a fun event (will the real Menlove please stand up?) and it would give you a chance to collect all our checks in one place....
and then we could all play bacci ball.
Yeah and maybe Ryan can get kicked out of this one too
M, I know you did not give many reccommendations this year for fear of revealing your identity. HOwever, the one you did give - Wonder Showzen - is now my favorite TV show. Since you have an interesting and off-beat sort of brain, here is my request for your final entry:
What are your favorite books, movies, music, TV shows, artists, and so on?
Thanks for a great year... Can't wait to find out who you are.
hey, i just read over on intermeddler that there was a brawl @ the party on friday!? anyone know anything about this?
i couldn't get there (uh, got too drunk to leave my house and passed out at 8:30)
that's what 1:23 was talking about. That's all I know happened
It's interesting that Robyn's virus coincided with the time period that one typically takes for a four day weekend
Just caught a pretty amusing ad on tv for a lawyer. It was one of those 1-800-LAWYER/Personal injury guys, and he was talking about knowing your rights. He then proclaimed, "I'll enforce your most important right! The right to money!"
i know it's long over but what did everyone think of con law??
and any other interesting news from the party (other than the fight??)
here is some interesting news............. i had a foursome
what fight??? fill me in!!!!
As of 1:00 on Tuesday, Robyn still hasn't put the memos out yet. Typical...
And, all of the other writing teachers have posted grades for their classes as well.
For some reason I'm not surprised...
Maybe I'll eat my words, but I have faith in the Dozer coming through with our grades before she posts them.
Who cares about Legal Writing? It's one credit, and since you're just waiting for a grade on a rewrite, you should have at least a ballpark idea of how you did, unlike your other classes where you're just gonna get slammed with a 3,4, or 5 credit grade based on one test. Enjoy the summer! It's a great day today!
I thought I'd share one of the jokes from the "Five Jokes in Five Seconds" bit in the most recent Wonder Showzen (since I learned of Wonder Showzen here - I'm giving back to the community). They're only on the screen for one second (hence the title) but I paused and copied this one down:
It seems there was this elephant who decided to get a part time job at a bakery* to save up to buy a toilet. When he showed up to the interview the manager asked the elephant what qualifications he had to work a part time job. As the elephant passionately laid out his extensive retail and patisserie experience, the manager interrupted him curtly exclaiming, "Wait - if you buy a toilet, and flush your business -- what will the poor dung beetles eat?" Just then the elephant straightented his tie and tossed this beauty of a zinger orally into the ether: "They shall eat your finest croissants," the elephant intoned, "and doubtless they shan't taste the diff."
*you should know that this particular bakery is known for the unusually poor quality of its croissants
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Am i alone in being disappointed if there isnt some type of party to clebrate our collective effort to reveal M's identity (and of course being part of Africare)?
What does "on the verge of being in the hospital" mean? She's obviously not sick enough to warrant actually being there. And who made this determination of "being on the verge"? I'm certain that a doctor didn't say "wow you're ill, ALMOST, but NOT QUITE, to the point of hospitalization!"
The professors have had the rewrites for OVER A MONTH. Just as we all have deadlines and dates by which we are expected to submit grades, professors and instructors too should be expected to grade and return with reasonable speed.
I'm not sure if someone just wrote that last comment to get a reaction. But, you should get a little perspective, it's a 1 credit class, chill out. Regardless of how serious her health problem is you should be a tad bit sympathetic.
I'm not sure if someone just wrote that last comment to get a reaction. But, you should get a little perspective, it's a 1 credit class, chill out. Regardless of how serious her health problem is you should be a tad bit sympathetic.
What time is Prof. Feldman's writing competition session?
hey 10:58am,
profs do have a deadline by which they have to submit their grades. it hasn't passed yet. so shut yer yapper! you got a C- anyway.
Once again I lost in the Robyn Schneider random grade giveaway
just curious, do any of you take responsibility for anything you do, or is it always someone else's fault? what ever will you tell your clients...not my fault!?
Dear 1L professors - it has now been a week since my last exam. I know you've got a lot to do or whatever, but it would be nice if one of you could give me my grade, please. They're kind of important, and I paid a LOT of money for them, and I REALLY want to know whether or not I've got a shot at getting onto law review, or if I shouldn't waste this next weekend.
So, um, hey - pony up?
8:40 - I'll send my clients to you
If they have 150 exams to grade and they go through 15 a day (which I think is more than fair)they should be done with them in like a week qand a half. I think that they DO take a ridiculously long time. Last semester it was almost February when we had all of our grades back. Just like WE push like hell during the month of exams they should push to give us grades in a timely manner.
You also have to consider that there are other classes to grade. As much as I want my grades as well, third years who are about to graduate need them a bit more than we do. I can understand why 1L classes are not top priority when it comes to grading.
Also, it probably takes a few days after the exams are read and marked for the grades to be put in the curve and reported to the registrar and posted
The grading process as it was explained to me by a professor...First, they grade the exams anonymously and curve them. It is then sent to the registrar's office to verify that the curve was used properly and to match up the numbers with the names and then returned to the professors. The professors then factor in anything else they use as grading criteria (e.g., class participation) and curve the final grades. Then, it is again sent to the registrar to again verify the curve is used correctly. Then, the grades are posted as they are entered into the system. If the professor doesn't use anything for determining grades other than the final exam, the process stops after the first time it goes to the registrar.
So in other words, if a professor finishes grading today, it may be another week before you see your grades. And since our first test was taken less than 2 weeks ago, you can't expect much in the way of grades just yet.
prof. schneider's grades are up!
B plizzus in tha house- goodbye Robyn
Also, if there's an issue with one exam - such as illegible handwriting - it needs to be sorted out before the final curve can be set. So people, as usual, need to chill out.
Could you tell me what the reason is that you share your B+ with us? We don't even know who you are... Does it make you feel some way?
Hey guys, does anyone know if there is an editing part of the writing competition? Or do we just have to write the case comment? Thanks!
it's just the case comment. we don't have a blue book portion
Awesome, thanks 9:35!
Menlove, Here is my request for the final entry:
Knowing everyone as well as you do now, if you could do the "wonderful people" entries over again, how many of the original 12 would you still consider to be wonderful?
That is such a fucked up and ridiculous thing to ask Menlove to do... ugh.
It would be bad if they asked "which ones" instead of "how many." I don't think it's any worse than the guy who asked menlove which guy in the class he'd most want to hook up with. Not that I think Menlove will answer that one.
oh shut up.
If you're still stuck on the whole wonderful people thing then you are overly bitter about not being chosen as wonderful. I would still consider ALL of them wonderful people!
Well, all but one...
Can't you people chill on the animosity? If this is what we're like as incoming 2Ls, how unchill will we be as lawyers?
everyone's just pissy because the writing competition is sucking the will to live.
The writing competition is definitely making me hungry. Seven hours in, and I'm totally Favished.
what are thinking about this writing comp?? the topic sucks but i already wrote my 10 pages...
hey 9:30,
i'm in the opposite boat as you...i think the topic is great, but i haven't written anything yet!
I would just like to give a hearty thank you to Marlboro and the tobacco industry for making this writing competition bearable. Keep up the good work!
Wow, I have honestly been sitting at my desk for 12.5 hours straight and yet, this is going nowhere. Good luck everybody.
I still have nothing. I'm hopeless...
you know how we have to rank our preferences for which journal we want to join?
well, obviously, the main law review is the best. does anyone know whether the international one or the policy one is supposed to be more prestigious than the other? or is it just a matter of which subject matter we are interested in?
international is considered more prestigious than public policy, but if you're really into public policy, it makes sense to rank it above international. i don't think there's a huge difference at the end of the day.
I think that if you get onto international, you have to take an international class during the year.
you have to take two international classes over the course of the year, actually.
I was looking for the line that said, I would give my first born to be on any of them.
when will we hear if we made law review? probably not for awhile, right?
between july 1 and july 22.
All but ONE person is still wonderful?
Wow, July. I understand they have a ton to read, but that is a while to wait. Its like law school isn't happy unless its making us worry about something, even in the summer.
I'm confused - so if I put law review as my first choice and int'l law journal as my second, does that mean if there're no spots on law review that someone else who put int'l law journal as their first choice and who has an equally good comment as me will get on int'l law journal over me?
I have to say I have been disappointed with both the quality and the tone of the posts on Menlove these past two weeks.
The people posting are so obviously NOT funny and they are trying to be. Sad. More importnatly, some of them are cruel in their statements and that's just plain nasty.
I fear the titans have checked out. Long gone are the days of the great posters. My guess is they have been applying their considerbale wit and intelligenece to studying for finals and working on the writing comp leaving this board in the novice hands of lesser mortals.
Perfect example of a NOT funny post 3:55
perhaps 3:55 should worry a little more about his/her case comment and a little less about the "quality" of menlovian comments?
I want to give up right about now.
I wonder if anyone has less done than I do... - I have 4 pages, which still need editing and BB'ing
Did anyone just not do it?
I wrote 7 pages, and decided that was enough. Now it's time to edit and BB.
Heads up. It's 11 copies not 9.
How the hell does an endnote function?
let's see here...it costs somewhere around $35,000 to go to BLS. it costs $5 to get a copy of the writing competition problem (if you paid ahead of time). and the instructions give me the addresses and phone numbers of the local copy places so i can pay to have 11 copies to hand in? come on Brooklyn Law Review! you're smart people! do you really think i'm not gonna print out all 11 using the school's paper and printer????
uh - you and the other 400 people turning in the paper. maybe that's not such a hot idea to broadcast, dingus.
I wasnt going to say anything - I guarantee that at least a few people will not get their paper in because of lines at the printer. (hey less competition for me)
come on now, 11:44pm!
do you really think the rest of the school is so stupid as to not figure out they can print it at school without me mentioning it?
Menlove, come out of the closet already and end this message board-it sucks. What lame asses!
i love this: you come on here, and tell us how much it sucks.
Steal school paper from the Lexis lab like TD told us to do and print up all 11 copies on your home printer. I'd rather write my exam number 110 times than wait on a line at BLS or Kinkos or any other place.
can't we just make a header for each page with our exam number? or does it have to be hand-written?
brilliant idea 12:46. However, what do you suggest for those of us without a home printer. :( Looks like I will be braving the lines of the BLS library tommorrow morning. I wonder if the girl who pushed me while I was waiting online during finals week will be there tomorrow. Oh its on. She is going down.
Im making a header - the instructions dont say it has to be HAND written in each corner - fuck that action is what i say
ugh, this is so lame. is anyone else going to pull an all nighter doing this crap? or am i the only loser who decided to start at 5pm?
I think I'm getting my second winddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd <-fell asleep on keyboard
i started at 3, if that makes you feel nay better and Im not done. I am so looking foward to 11 am. 2 drinks and ill be out.
i started at midnight. i love law school
headcount! (for those who havent slept yet)
some friendly advice - don't waste your time trying to find a rubberband - it's not necessary
Hey Mlove - would you kindly take down all the posts that mention statutes/cases from the comp as people ho had to delay their dates might get an unfair advantage and I need all the help I can get.
if you're that worried, 8:37, deleting the post with the NAME of a case isn't going to help you.
Wow this is cheesey. And who doesn't have a printer at home? You're spending like a 100K to go to law school and you can't spend 100 bucks to get a printer so that you know all of your assignments will be printed without a problem? That is pretty stupid.
well at least i know how to spell cheesy.
uh ya 9:10, it will. Those poeople can simply search for that name, read the case and know the topic of the comp. So I think it prudent that all such references be taken down. No doubt they were posted in jest etc, but they could easily aid such a late competitor nonetheless.
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