Monday, May 02, 2005

procrastination, plain and simple

hi guys, just wanted to drop in and say what's up. in other words, i need a break. if i have to look up one more UCC provision, i'm going to regress to an infantile stage of constant wailing, gurgling, and thumb-sucking. truth be told, the UCC is so much more pleasant to deal with than its cruel and unforgiving cousin, the FRCP, but that doesn't mean that it ain't also sucky in its own way.

in response to 11:50 pm, regarding my word count and such, i have no control over that number. for some reason, blogger stopped keeping track a few months back. if anyone knows how i can get it fixed, let me know. i'd certainly be interested in knowing how much crap i've produced this year.

to answer your other question, the picture on my profile is a photo taken of me from when i went to space camp. we actually flew a mission to jupiter. it was sort of a strange trip. i had trouble getting the pod bay doors open. i digress...

i hope that the reading days haven't been too painful for anyone. before i get back to work, i just want to mention that i'm amazed by the fact that nearly four hundred dollars have poured in for Africare over these last several days. this is truly amazing, and i am finding myself more and more moved by your generosity. it seemed like every time i opened my mailbox this weekend, there was another 25 dollars waiting to be added to our total. we've had donations from some of my closest friends, and donations from people whose names i did not even know. we've had donations from kids outside of our civ pro class, and even donations from 2L's and 3L's. pretty freakin' cool if you ask me.

thanks also for those of you who have been giving me kind words in the emails along with your donations. at heart, i'm basically just a sentimental fool, so much of what you guys have written has meant a lot to me.

finally, i've always gotten a kick out of hearing people theorize about the beginnings of menlovian, or to try to trace its roots back to a single person, or to an email, or now, to a locker room. of course, this issue is one of many that will be resolved if BLS becomes life members of Africare; however, the one thing i can tell you now is that i've always been of the "whoever smelt it dealt it" camp.

anyone still looking to donate a dollar or two can drop me a line at remember, i can only accept pledges from BLS accounts. also, i believe that i have written a thank-you response to every pledge, so if you've pledged but not heard back from me within a reasonable time, you might want to email me to make sure you've been accounted for.

i'll talk to you all again sometime midway through this week. stay sane, stay cool, and as my dad said to me as i went off to college, "keep it covered."



At 1:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am about to start my outline. I decided that outlines are over rated and only work against me. I thought that if I read the materials and let them seep into my soul that will be enough for a B at least. Then I realized this was a huge mistake and now I am freaking out. If I work through the night can I write an outline? I looked at someone elses's outline but as always this only caused me (after many wasted hours) to realize that I need one of my own. Does anyone else do this for every single exam? Somehow talk yourself into the idea that an old outline will work fine- only to realize you have to do it yourself WAY TOO LATE?

At 1:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Menlove, did you catch the return of Family Guy tonite? I remember you once had a pic of the evil monkey who lives in Chris' closet on your website, so I figure you're a fan.

Did anyone else see it?

At 5:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to go to sleep but I am afraid I will never ever wake up again

At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

best part of family guy was stewies dream

Sitting on a country porch in full southern seersucker attire:

" yeeppp, It's good to have land."

At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

$1,094! That is amazing. Keep it going everyone! Think about all the good times you've had with Menlove. A few that come to mind for me:

-"Here's to the vultures"
-Tony Sebok, the drinking game
-My wonderful classmates (I was one!)
-The "survivor" hypo w/ Pitler, Nan, Hella, Robyn, & Sebok stranded on the island.

The guy has done a lot for us, and in return, asks only that we do something for someone else. It's a worthy cause no matter how you slice it.

Finally, I've said it before, and I'll say it again: It'll drive me f***ing crazy if we never find out his identity.


At 11:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can't believe how far over a thousand dollars we've made it.

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an ego trip

At 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

menlove = wagowski. 'nuff said.

At 2:17 PM, Blogger menlove said...

i did catch family guy last night... it was certainly worth the wait. favorite lines:

lois: "peter are you crazy? stealing mel gibson's towels, bathrobes, and nazi paraphrenalia is one thing, but this is a multi-million dollar film, and he's a very powerful man..."

peter: "it's worth the risk lois, to save the world another 2 hours of torture. we've got to get rid of this thing for the sake of jesus and snoopy and all the other beloved childrens characters."


brian (to tom tucker): "this whole situation has just turned his life upside down face."


peter: "christians don't believe in gravity."


also funny was that old pervert (i don't know his name): don't forget to stretch out those creamy hamstrings

great show... looking forward to seeing my boy quagmire again.

At 2:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of Family Guy (I'm done thinking about contracts), can anyone explain to me who was that guy at the end (I think the guy Brian got the coke from)? I don't remember him from before, but they made it seem like he was an old character. Was he in the old episodes? And menlove, I too was happy to see the old pervert back ("hey paperboy, do you like popsicles?")

At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a) Family guy: Chris "I don't have to listen to you. You are a Dog, you don;t have a Soul"
Stewie to Brian "ouch"

b) Who doneated to Africare .04 cents. It's bothering me. Round numbers dammit.

At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

menlove, have you contacted any of our esteemed professors about this? i'm thinking particularly of gora. plus, god knows crazy wexler wouldn't mind our name on the wall of care or whatever.

just a thought...

At 5:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 1:19 AM:

I do that all the time: "the Procrastination Engine, she cannae take it, Captain!" My outlines end up being 5-8 pages of what's more or less a table of contents with the rules added in.

And they end up working just fine, except possibly in Con Law. So, don't panic.

(My Contracts outline is maybe 20% done right now, and I'm going to finish it tonight.)

At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think we should draw attention to Menlove by doing that b/c even though everything has been in good fun there are plenty of comments which the professors wouldn't take so well.

Also, does anyone else find that it takes them like 4 times as long to get through the remedies than it takes to get through anything else?

At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree. while menlove has done a good job of keeping the overtly hurtful comments off the board, we've still been able to criticize our professors fairly liberally here. this is a place for students. case in point: you just referred to our dean as "crazy wexler."

At 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 5:09... i was the one whose pledge ended with 4 cents. i don't like round numbers. when i go to the microwave, i always punch in 1:57 or 2:02, not two minutes even. yes i'm crazy. if it bothers you, just tack on an additional $.96 to your next donation.

At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was funny. I haven't smiled since consideration.

At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a list of all the UCC we should really know?

At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe i've been studying too long, but does anyone else think that ellen ash peters (p. 126) is a hot little tamale?

At 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The exams on file are cute.

At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the comments to the last post, someone mentioned that I had found a piece of paper in the locker room and publicized Menlovian. Then Menlove, I think, accused me of having both smelled him and dealt him. I presume he was not referring to a small cold-water silverfish, metal refining, or some smelly combination of the two.

Anyway, here's what happened:

It was an overcast day last september when, in a rush, I hurried into the locker room on my way to crim. As I set about opening my locker, I noticed a small scrap of paper, bent slightly, slipped into the loop of the padlock of the locker adjacent to mine. I removed the paper and unfolded it:

It was then that I noticed that this bit of paper had some strange blue smudges along the edges: partial fingerprints, mostly indiscernible. Unfortunately, I can't say for sure what type. I'd guess the tip of a whorl or tentarch thumb, but unless some recipient of Menlove's various promised gifts has a dustable specimen, it doesn't make much difference. More interesting was the printed material. I licked my pinky, swabbed a sample from the corner, and tasted it. Immediately I recognized, hearkening back to those innocent summers loitering around the snack-bar at my local swimming pool, what Our Hero had had for breakfast. None other than Blue Raspberry Sour Patch Kids. And judging from the smudge density, he'd eaten a lot of them, and quickly.

Jake (Sec. 8)

At 2:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amendment to 5:34 PM:


At 3:24 PM, Blogger Saucy Intruder said...

congrats guys! 5 credits down! 10 to go!


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