Thursday, April 28, 2005


no more class as 1L's...


obviously, it's not much of a relief, as the worst is yet to come, but it's still quite an accomplishment. congrats to all of you, and congrats to me too. i wasn't sure if i'd make it through a month, much less through an entire year. and now our monday to friday schedule is a thing of the past. whew!

for those of you who missed poser's review session today, he actually did give us some really good advice about what to expect on the exam:

student: "will the exam format be like the sample question you handed out, or will it look more like the exams on file?"

NP: "well, how can i put this... there's going to be some questions. and then there are going to be some fact patterns that go along with the questions. you'll read the facts, and then you'll apply the law to the facts in order to write essays to answer the questions."

was he being serious? or was it the greatest poserian smart-ass deadpan of all time?

we may never know.

anyway, poser said he thought all of the questions we sent him for the review were pretty smart, but honestly, i think he was just being nice about that. some of them, even i could have answered. still, it wasn't a completely pointless 2 hours... it was good to see all of those section 8 & 9 faces crowded together in that tiny room again. (undoubtedly, today's review session was better attended than the subsequent ones will be.) also, juanita parker made the whole affair worthwhile.

just kidding, juanita... i got nothing but love for ya!

anyway, here's one last final shout-out to my friend professor poser... oooooh hecky naw that boy is raw.

i hope to god you never read this, but just to put it out there... thank you professor for doing your job so well. you're the best law professor i've ever had, and that means you're ranked first in your class out of eight. not too shabby.

anyway, i'm busy as a mofo this week, same as all of you, so i'm going to sign off now, most likely until after the contracts exam. but before i go, i'd like to mention one last thing:

after a long hiatus, two new donations came in today for Africare! that was nice to see. it's weird, at first, as the money was coming in so quickly, i was really nervous and afraid that we'd actually reach our goal & i'd have to come out. and then when the pledges slowed down, i started getting upset thinking that we wouldn't make it. like the song says, "i'm a walking contradiction / partly fact & partly fiction..."

anyway, thanks to those of you who donated today. we are now over halfway to our goal! even if we don't raise another dime, i think that's pretty amazing. dayum, you guys are awesome. personally, i think my secret will end up being safe, as the deadline to reach $1500 will be upon us in two short weeks. but no matter what happens, i'm still proud of everyone who's donated thus far, and amazed by your generosity.

***menlovian update @ 12:09 pm... even more donations have come in since i published this entry an hour ago, rocketing us over eight hundred dollars! we have our first unfrozen caveman lawyer! thanks again, everyone.***

much love,


i am lindsey rodgers


At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Linsey Rodgers is obviously too cute to be menlove

At 11:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is cute... But don't you picture menlove as being cute too? Whenever I think of Menlove, I think cutie.

At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By my calculations, we've raised around 90 dollars today! Keep it up, guys... At this rate, we'll know who Menlove is by our Property exam.

Also worth noting is that big M left two song lyrics for us as clues today, and based again on my calculations we can safely conclude that Menlove listens to both Kanye West and Kris Kristofferson. Who the fuck is this guy?!?!??

At 12:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:08... i know who you are, and i know that you only say that because you think evan is a cutie. :)

At 1:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, we have an Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer! Now we just need a "Sick Chicken", a "Moon & Stewie", and a "Learned Foot!"

I'm a nicozene addict, and if I didn't have to spend so much money on my addiction, I would aspire to be a Careena Collins, because she's got skillz to pay the billz.

She should work with Jenna Haze.

At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm starting to feel pretty sure that Evan isn't Menlove. It's either Marc Antar or Sam Levy. Gotta be. Or Jim Murray. Let's not forget about Jim Murray.

At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the answer to this? If a dog is in front of a house but behind a fence and someone comes to knock on the door is the dog owner liable for a bite? Also, the dog is in plain view and there is a beware of dog sign also in plain view. Someone asked me this and I remembered that anyone can knock on a door (obviously) and I remembered that dog bites can be strict liability provided you're not in a one free bite state, you aren't breaking any leash laws, or if you're negligent. I know you're not liable if someone comes in your fenced in BACK yard. But the front fence threw me for a loop. If anyone feels like practicing their legal advice skillZ bring it on.

At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you walk past a fenced in yard, with a dog in plain sight, and a "Beware of Dog" sign, I'd say that's pretty clear-cut assumption of risk. Anyone can knock on a door, but when you have to go past a fence with a warning sign to get there, you may have a problem. I say no liability. But what do I know?

At 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say strict liability always for the pooches. Except when its not. There is one time when its not and I don't remember what it is. Sorry. I don't even know who I am anymore.

At 1:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No remember dog bite case from torts w/meter maid? Think it was statutory, but that may do the trick

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it has to do with how foreseeable it is that someone would come into the yard. So the meter maid won because it was foreseeable that she would come into the yard. If the fenced in area were in the back of a 10 acre plot of land and it wasn't foreseeable that someone would come near it, then I think the owner has no liability. I could be completely wrong though.

At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, we're getting close to a thousand dollars on blsforgood... go us!

At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares, torts is done and we'll have enough hypos to answer soon enough

At 3:50 PM, Blogger menlove said...

we just got our first "sick chicken." plus, someone else just got promoted to "los guapos!"

all of a sudden, we're up over $150 in the last 24 hours.

that's a lot of africare karma...

At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, but still only 20 people. I dunno, Menlove, but I'm guessing more than 20 people read your blog. Not to sound like an on-air fundraiser, but where are you people? I'll bet you're listening. Look out- pretty soon someone may post a sally struthers link.

Like this one:

At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it is the other way and a lot of states have the one free bite rule...

At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's just Texas.

At 6:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is all a question of the dog's mens rea at the time of the bite. If he was negligent, then it is torts, but if he was intentional, his actions are criminal. Furthermore, if there was no consideration given by the intruder, this would not be a valid contract, but under Rule 26, this information may not be discoverable if its relevance to the claim cannot be shown. So in conclusion, I'd say that if it's not a fundamental right to enter someone's frontyard, it is definitely a violation of equal protection, possibly even PROCEDURAL due process (yes, procedural). That should clear it up.

Oh wait, I forgot one thing. If the owner of the house has a fee simple subject to condition precedent, the analyis may change. But if he has a vested remainder subject to total divestment in fee simple subject to an executory limitation, well, then I think we all know what happens there. Duh!!!

At 9:35 PM, Blogger Saucy Intruder said...

6:54, you're officially cut off. No more law for you. :)

At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you raised over 900 Menlove. I thought I'd be impressed if you got over 200.

At 11:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

math looks pretty good to me... i added it all up to 901, menlove has it listed at 909. i'm sure that some people gave a few dollars more than the "minimum" needed to be a zipursky or sick chicken or whatever. i did. that would probably explain the eight dollar difference.

speaking of the categories, i'm not a 1L, so i don't understand some of the names. i know that the sour patch kids refers to menlove's interview w/ rehnquist. i read the sick chicken case in con law last year as well. of course i am more than familiar with douwe egbert, and i'd assume that "learned feet" and "nihilists" refer to learned hand, and the big lebowski, respectively.

but what is the deal with some of the other names... nicozene addict? los guapos? moons? stewies? zipurskys?

throw me a frickin bone here.

At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zipursky is in Sebok's posse.

At 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's right, zipursky wrote the torts book w/ sebok and goldberg

moon & stewie were hellerstein's friends when he was a boy. both their dads earned JD's from BLS, but were working as cabbies or something along those lines.

i don't know what nicozene addicts or los guapos refers to.

At 12:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads-up on Wonder Showzen, menlove. I tifauxed them all and am about half-way through (there's only 8 eps so far I think). A pretty surreal way to break up the studying. The kid interviewing Wall Streeters was priceless - 'would you like a tissue? ... to wipe the blood off your hands?'

At 2:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second the comment about wonder showzen. My favorite part was the kids narrating the footage from the hot dog factory. Oh my god, that was hysterical.

Nicozene was a chemical involved in the Nanster's civ pro exam.

I don't get the "los guapos" reference though.

At 2:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

El Guapo was the villain in The Three Amigos, starring Martin Short and Steve Martin.

At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that Menlove used "el guapo" as the name of the donkey in his kick-ass torts hypo from last semester. I believe that Menlove's el guapo could speak and had an opium habit.

At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I just donated $25.... That means that if only around 23 more people do the same we all get to find out who Menlove is.

At 4:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we're getting close to $1000...

At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy birthday, menlove!

At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep donating people! I'm out of money! Let's get menlove out of the closet before the Property exam!

At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. I want to know who this guy is. Even though I already know it is Demian. How great will that be when Menlove turns out to be our very own Mr. Ordway???

At 9:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

Cheer up, everyone - we're almost done!

At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow... $989.04, almost in 4-digit territory...

At 11:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Menlove, remember when you said so-and-so had a paper shredder for a mouth? That was poetry, simply brilliant.
Thanks for the memories.

At 11:55 PM, Blogger menlove said...

hey DJ, thanks for the random compliment. sure was nice of you. hope everyone is hanging in there. unfortunately, my studying has been interrupted many times in the last few days because i've been having to update the BLSforGood website almost constantly! i'm not complaining, though. we're on the cusp of a cool thousand dollars. that kicks ass! you guys kick ass. i'll see you all on the flip side.

At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree the "yay"! it's pretty cool that we're coming together to do this. it's also cool that menlove raised so much money just by TYPING! but what's coolest of all is that brooklyn law school students could end up LITERALLY saving someone's life, or maybe even a lot of people's lives, with our donation. let's raise that last third of the money!

At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1000+ and counting...

At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

500 more guys. I know it seems like a lot but it's completely possible! DONATE!!

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, i'm starting to get the feeling this might actually happen! if you've read menlove all year, and haven't given yet, give a dollar or two!

At 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever keeps insisting that Menlove = Demian is sorely misguided.

At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

on Poser's practice exam: when he says "what legal remedies should X persue" does he mean literally remedy or what kind of actions/issues should he raise???

At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can't believe how the money is flying in. we've got like twelve lionel hutzes now! go menlove!

At 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm gonna miss the posted comments on menlove almost as much as menlove itself. What are we going to do next semester as 2Ls when we will have no way to communicate outside of class?

At 5:20 PM, Blogger Saucy Intruder said...

Start your own blog, C, I hear it's all the rage.

The only problem is drumming up enough publicity. M-love pretty much kicks ass there.

And you guys are going to be totally sorry when you find out he's Adam Lubow/Aimee.

At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how did menlove drum up publicity? for the life of me i can't figure out how we all know about it, yet we don't know about him.

At 9:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well who was the first person to find out about Menlovian? That person is probably Menlove, or knows who Menlove is.

At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why did everyone stop donating?? keep going. we're getting there!!

At 11:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i really can't remember how i first heard about m-luva, but i remember that i learned early on and i felt like i was in on some cool secret. but i'm glad every one got to get in on it eventually. do you think there are still people in section 9 who don't know about menlovian? what about section 8 or 7?

i agree with the last post, let's keep that money coming, let's raise the last 431 dollars!!! don't tell me you don't need a pre-exam karma boost!

At 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

M when i click on your profile, it says that you have something like 70 blog entries written and 40,000 words written. But it's said that since February. Why don't you update it? Also, the pic of the guy in the helmet, what's that supposed to be of?

At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jake (Sec. 8) was one of the first people to find the menlove address (written on a piece of paper stuck in a locker). It then spread to our Civ Pro class and beyond...


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