Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Africare update

hi all... just a quick update to let you know that i just submitted our $1500 life membership gift to Africare via their website. the site said that it may take up to 30 days to process and respond to our gift, but i will let you know as soon as i hear back from them.

that leaves $55 of our money still to be donated to yai/nipd. unfortunately, there is still one person out there who hasn't paid up yet... so the donation is on hold.

this person emailed me on the 14th, saying that she'd send me the money over the weekend. i assumed that she meant the weekend of the 16th, but now i'm not so sure, as it's already the 26th, and i've yet to receive anything!

i expect that this person will come through on her pledge soon, or at the very least, write me another email letting me know what's up.

anyway, on a more positive note, congrats everyone on a job well done for Africare! hopefully we'll hear back from them soon.

Monday, July 11, 2005

a midsummer night's update

well, summer is more or less half over, so i thought i'd give a quick update.

first, if you're still looking for the link to the final menlovian (and the other "greatest hits"), you can find it right here.

also, some of you have requested that i add the "here's to the vultures" entry to the greatest hits. i'm not going to do that because i never thought it was that great an entry, but here it is if you want to take another gander at it.

so today i sent out "personalized" reminders to the six people who still need to send me their donations. i hope to have all the money collected soon, so that we can get it to africare & yai/nipd as soon as possible.

three other things on the topic of BLSforGood:

first, for any of you out there who have been meaning to donate, but for whatever reason haven't yet, there's still time to throw in a few bucks. at this point, as we're over $1500, all of the additonal pledges are going to yai/nipd, so it's still going to a great cause. so far we've got $55 going to yai, and it would be great if we could push that number a little higher.

also, to everyone who's sent me checks in the last ten days or so, i'm going to be depositing all of them in the next day or two, so you should be seeing that reflected in your accounts very soon.

finally, for all of your information, i emailed dean wexler last week to make sure that the administration would be amenable to the idea of these donations being made in the school's name. she was very supportive of our efforts, and asked only that we give the money on behalf of "brooklyn law school students" instead of simply BLS.

thus, we've got the green light from the administration, and as soon as i collect these last checks, i'll get the money out to africare and yai as quickly as i can. let's do this thing!


hope summer is going well for all of you. congrats to the law review folks, and good luck everyone in navigating the OCI process in the weeks ahead.