my wonderful classmates - part deux!
full disclosure: the only reason i named this entry "part deux" is because over the last week or two, i've watched pretty much every episode of VH1's "I love the 90's - part deux." great shit. i'm fairly certain that that title is a nod to the seminal film "Hot Shots! - part deux," though i'm not sure.
throughout this week, i'll be revealing your choices for some new wonderful classmates. thanks again to everyone who participated by sending in nominations... we even had some last-minute nominations over this weekend. it's been a tough decision for me, but i've finally narrowed it down to just six.
obviously, if you're not on this list, you may very well still be wonderful yourself, so i hope that no one takes their inclusion or exclusion too personally. i had to choose from a buttload of nominations, so these are just my choices, and my choices are meaningless. keep in mind that this blog is created by an idiot who still can't remember the four elements of a prima facie negligence claim, so just take it for what it's worth, and enjoy!
this time, the descriptions of our classmates will be presented in a sort of "zagat" style. in other words, any words i include in quotes came directly from your posted or emailed nominations. also, both of today's folks happen to be section niners. don't worry, there will be plenty of people spotlighted here this week from other sections.
so here we go, without further ado, and in no particular order... six more of the most wonderful people in our class!
wonderful person #7 : Mark Antar

our most-nominated classmate, receiving no fewer than six distinct nods, mark really is a wonderful person. fans find his "deep voice" "pleasant to listen to," and add that it "commands attention."
while some called him "damn hot" and "easy on the eyes"or commented on his "intriguing hair," more people were impressed with mark's "laid back" and "chill" personality, appreciating his "whiskey-smooth" "stoned vibe." mark has also impressed many of his classmates with his "intriguing" contributions to class discussion, his extensive football knowledge, and his "funny as hell" sense of humor.
"unique and smart," and "always willing to help out a confused friend," he "seems like the type you'd like have a pint with after class." "get to know him if you haven't by now," fans rave, adding that "the dude abides."
so here's to mark, a truly wonderful person in our class!
wonderful person #8 : Andrew Oldis

"oldis kicks ass" seems to be the general word from his classmates. "he sits in the back row in every class" but always manages to "contribute something" that is "pretty damn intelligent." andrew has a way of "challenging the professors" with questions that are "on point and interesting." that he is always "watching some baseball game" or "reading up on" during class while still "seemingly understanding it all" is a testament to his "big brain."
cited as "fucking hilarious" and "the best guy to talk to when you're down," andrew has won many fans and admirers. "don't be afraid of the whole marshall mathers vibe," because "there's a big teddy bear underneath" the "low brim of his hat." a "hottie with a heart of gold," andrew is the type who "helped me fix my bike when the chain broke off," because he "goes all-out for his friends."
so here's to andrew, an authentically wonderful person!