true life
so i actually have the day off tomorrow, thanks to big bok. this is a truly strange and wonderful thing, and i should be feeling great about it. after all, i basically had the night off.
how did i spend this temporary reprieve from the seemingly unending rigors of 1L life? well, i spent about four hours working on my outline for tuesday's civ pro midterm, then i got most of the con law reading done for tuesday afternoon.
i wish.
what i really ended up doing was drinking a pint of bourbon and watching a show on mtv called "true life: i'm obese." i have to tell you that it was a seriously depressing ordeal.
the show followed around these three people who were all overweight. two of them were morbidly obese, and basically had to struggle through life feeling ashamed, constantly being taunted by strangers, breaking and/or not being able to fit into chairs, and so on. it really depressed the hell out of me.
what really upsets me now is that they did this profile on this one girl:
she lived a rough life. she was nearly six hundred pounds, and could hardly move across the room without losing her breath, feeling severe pain, etc. anyway, what's bumming me out is that in the last few minutes of the show, she was slated to get that stomach-reduction surgery like al roker had, which was either going to kill her or help her to get to a healthy weight, and i fucking passed out on the couch, and have no idea how things worked out for her.
if anyone knows, please do share.
so i'm less drunk now, but still groggy. really all week i've been out of sorts, like i've been inhabiting the phantom zone on a Square D switch... neither on nor off, but still vaguely dangerous.
anyway, i know that no one reads this to feel worse about the world, or to hear me complain, so i'll move on to better and brighter things.
i'm very glad you all seemed to enjoy the feature on our wonderful classmates. i had a great time writing about them. these blog entries also represented a major victory for your friend menlove in that i was actually able to post pictures for the first time. (although it's been quite annoying how you have to log in to BLS to see the pics... i'll end up archiving all of the crap i've written so far in the next week or so. that way when you visit the site, you'll be able to link to the old articles and pics without the annoying BLS login.)
as this is my first blog, i'm pretty much learning as i go. the pics were a fun start, but i'd like to do even more with this thing. unfortunately, i'm pretty much techtarded, so it's been difficult.
for one thing, instead of studying for the civ pro midterm, i've spent much of this week trying to figure out how to post polls on menlovian. i've tried all sorts of google searches and followed all the links on the homepage, but to no avail.
can anyone help me? are there any geeks out there who know how to do this stuff? i'd be much obliged. i've actually got some pretty big ideas as to how i can make menlovian more interactive and more enjoyable for all of us, but i've got to take it one step at a time. so if anyone could help me out, that would be excellent.
in other news... greetings and salutations go out to our newest invitees (or would they be licensees?): "The Artist formerly known as...", "'bok joy", and "Unnamed Ass Pincher". if i owe any of you any sort of duty, please let me know.
one other thing before i call it a night...
i'm sure you all know by now that i love grandpa P. that dude should have his own mtv true life special. crim is really a pretty easy class (though i've heard the exam sucks balls), and P has a killer sarcastic sense of humor which typically makes for a perfect start to the day.
as great as he is, the man does occasionally perplex me. has anyone else noticed how pitler picks the weirdest things to get mad about? remember on the first day of school how he ripped a new asshole to everyone who came in late? since then, i don't think he's really said a word to anyone regardless of when they come in.
anyway, one day this week, someone's computer made that start-up chiming noise - not even that loudly - and P sort of lost his shit over it. yet, i'd imagine that he'll probably never complain about it again...
i'm actually sort of tempted to test that theory.
i was thinking about cranking up my computer's volume, i mean really loud, and starting it up during the first minute of his lecture. it could be interesting.
but then i started thinking, wouldn't this experiment be more effective if it was enacted en masse?
imagine this: a hundred of us sitting there ready for class to begin until pitler finally walks in at 9:34 or whenever. we all sit in excited anticipation as he sorts out his notes and books, and fiddles with the microphone system.
then, all at once, at the exact moment when he starts lecturing, we start up our computers. (of course, we'd all have cranked up the volume on our machines the night before...)
as my boy yeazell would say, "what result?"
would anyone care to conduct this experiment with me?
i leave you with those questions, and two others:
how do i post a poll? and was the obese girl's surgery successful?
thanks for reading. i feel better already.